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0 0 0 1v-1M216 43v0M69 44h-1l1 1v-1zM69 43v0M73 49h-2l2 1v-1M73 50v0M204 47v0M205 46l-1-1v2l1-1M325 27l1 1v-1h-1M224 52l1 1v-1h-1M315 2l-1-1v1h1M315 2h-1 1M52 23v0M52 23v-1 1M358 52h-1 1M254 44h0M330 44h-1l1 1v-1M219 53v-1 1M218 54c2-1 1-1 1-2v1l-1 1M72 44l-1 1h2l-1-1M72 44l1 1-1-1M84 33h1-1M337 51l-2 1 2-1M52 23h-1c-1 0 0 0 0 0h1M52 23h-1v1zM51 23h1-1M51 23h0M204 38h0M204 37v1h1c0-1 0-2-1-1M56 8l-1-1 1 1M242 27v0M252 51l1-1-1 1M253 50h-1v1l1-1M315 50h-1 2l-1-1v1"></path><path d="M315 50v-1l-1 1h1M84 41h0M69 45h1v-1l-1 1"></path><path d="M69 44c1 0 0 0 0 0v1l1-1h-1M69 44h0M69 44s1 0 0 0M69 45l1-1-1 1M53 20h-1l1 1v-1"></path><path d="M53 20v1l-1 1c2 0 1-1 1-2M53 21l-1-1 1 1M52 21v0"></path><path d="M52 21v1l1-1h-1M291 33h-2 2M83 34h0M83 33v1h1l-1-1M201 36h-1 1M253 45v-1l-1 1h1M255 45v-1c0 1 0 1 0 0v1M255 44c0 1 0 1 0 0M169 46v-1 1M169 47v-1 1M169 47v-1 1M169 47v-1 1M169 46v0M196 19l1-1h-1v1M217 49v-1l-1 1h1M332 49v0M253 50v-1h-1l1 1M253 50l-1-1 1 1M253 50v-1 1M240 29v-1 1M216 1h-1 1M215 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22v0M216 38v1h1l-1-1M216 11v0M216 22v1h1l-1-1M217 23v0M216 25v0M217 15v0M216 15v0M217 23c1 0 1 0 0 0M216 33h-1 1M217 43c0-1 0 0 0 0M218 43c-1 0 0 0 0 0M206 1V0v1M210 1c1 0 0 0 0 0M215 18v-1 1M216 18c-1 0 0 0 0 0M219 43h-1 1M217 17s0-1 0 0M219 17v0M217 18v0M216 14c1 0 0 0 0 0M215 35h0M216 19c-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0M218 37h0M216 24v0c1 0 0 0 0 0M214 22v2l1-1c1-1 0-2-1-1M215 42v0M218 32v0M216 32h0M217 29h-1 1M215 31v-1 1M299 10h-1v1l1-1M296 14h1l-1-1v1M298 12h-1 1M285 26h0M296 21v-1 1M292 24h1l-1-1v1M295 19s1 0 0 0c0 0-1 0 0 0M292 24v0M292 25c-1 0-1 0 0 0M295 14v0M294 14v0M294 23h0M292 20h-1 1M297 17v-1 1M298 15v-1h-1v1h1M290 24c0 1 0 0 0 0M291 25h-1 1M294 19v-1h-1l1 1M289 28h1v-1l-1 1M292 27h-1 1M327 30h1v1l-1-1M327 27v-1 1c1 0 1 0 0 0M317 13h1l-1 1v-1M326 19v0M323 17l1 1h-1v-1M324 21v0M324 16v-1h1l-1 1M322 12c0-1 0-1 0 0M325 21c1 0 1 0 0 0M326 25c1 0 0 0 0 0M326 26s0-1 0 0M325 26c-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0M323 17h0M322 18l1 1v1l-1-2M327 32v0M322 15v0M323 15c-1-1 0 0 0 0M325 22c0-1 0-1 0 0M322 12v0M293 27v1h1l-1-1M239 37l-1 1h1v-1M239 34v0M242 42l-1 1h1v-1M240 23s0 1 0 0M240 39h-1 1M241 19h-1 1M240 27c-1 0 0 0 0 0M240 21v0M241 37v0M241 33h-1 1c0 1 0 0 0 0M239 33l1-1-1 1M240 39v0M66 28h1v-1l-1 1M64 28h0M67 26v-1 1M65 25l-1-1 1 1M63 44l-1 1h1v-1M64 25v0M64 24v-1h-1l1 1M66 24h-1l1 1v-1M65 27h0M65 26v-1 1M66 23h-1 1M66 24c1 0 0 0 0 0v0M65 24h-1 1M65 27v0M65 24v-1 1M64 30c0-1 0-1 0 0M67 26c-1 0-1 0 0 0M64 22v0M113 18h-1l1 1v-1M114 18v1h1l-1-1M111 50c0-1 0 0 0 0l1 1-1-1M112 21l-1 1h1v-1M112 32c1 0 1 0 0 0M111 34v0M112 20s-1 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 0 0M111 23v0M111 31h0M112 36h-1 1M113 25v0c1 0 0 0 0 0M115 26v0M112 47v0M113 49c1 0 0 0 0 0M113 27c-1 0 0 0 0 0M113 22v0M112 14v0M112 28c-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0M111 26v1h1l-1-1M113 12v1l1-1h-1M113 19c1 0 0 0 0 0M117 50h-1 1M114 51c0-1 0 0 0 0v0M113 51c0-1 0-1 0 0M119 53h-1 1M124 51l-1 1 1-1M117 52h0M119 52h-1 1M118 52v0M125 51c0 1 0 0 0 0M124 50c0-1 0 0 0 0s1 0 0 0M115 52s1 0 0 0M117 53c0-1 0 0 0 0s1 0 0 0M116 51s-1 0 0 0M291 39h0M290 44h-1 1M290 43c0-1 0 0 0 0M291 42c1 0 1 0 0 0M292 44v-1h-1l1 1M309 23v-1 1c-1 0 0 0 0 0M293 38h-1 1M291 44v-1 1M292 31h0M292 35v1-1M292 34v-1 1M292 39l1 1h-1v-1M309 25h-1 1M311 23l-1 1 1-1M310 15h1l-1-1v1M309 17h1-1M310 25h-1 1M310 23c0-1 0-1 0 0M311 22v0M311 25l1-1h-1v1M314 22h-1 1M255 41v0M256 42v1h1l-1-1M254 38v1h1l-1-1M254 36v0M253 44c1 0 0 0 0 0M253 42v0M253 49l-1 1 1-1c1 0 0-1 0 0M255 48h1-1M253 42h0M255 34v0M253 35h0M253 33h1l-1-1v1M252 33h1-1M253 40c1 0 1 0 0 0M252 39v-1h-1l1 1M255 49c-1-1-1 0-1 1 1 1 1 0 1-1M254 41h-1v1l1-1M253 18v-1 1M252 19c1 0 1 0 0 0M253 21h-1 1M242 24l1 1h-1v-1M240 26l1 1h-1v-1M240 20c1 0 1 0 0 0M242 27v-1 1M240 22v0M253 12v2l-2 1 2-3M239 21v1l-1-1h1M240 20h-1 1M242 27h-1 1M238 18l1-1v1h-1M241 18v1l-1-1h1M250 1V0v1M251 1h2V0l-2 1M264 1h1V0c-1-1-1 0-1 1M259 1V0h-1l1 1M75 5l1 1c0-1 0-2-2-1h1M75 5h-1 1M76 6zM89 33v-2 2M90 31v-1h-1l1 1M75 5v0M75 6V5v1M76 6z"></path><path d="M75 6h1l-1-1v1M75 6h1-1M75 6h0M76 6h-1 1M76 6h-1 1M86 28l-1-1v1h1M85 24v-1 1M85 27v-1h-1l1 1M79 11h0M82 18l-1 1h1v-1M82 13v0M83 19c-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0M82 13h-1 1M86 23v-1h-1l1 1M87 22h-1 1M81 15v0M85 16c-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 0 0M83 22s0-1 0 0c0 0-1 0 0 0M83 24l1 1v-2h-1v1M87 36l1 1v-1h-1M88 38l-1-1 1 1M84 18l1 1v-1h-1M85 38l-1 1h1v-1M87 40v-1h-1v1h1M87 41h-1l1 1v-1M78 8V7v1M76 4h-1V3l1 1M77 5v0M78 5v0M91 32v-1 1M158 31v0M157 38l1 1v-1h-1M158 46l-1 1h1l-1-1M158 28l1 1h-1v-1M157 31h1v1l-1-1M201 15v1l1-1h-1M159 2V1h-1l1 1M63 0h-1v1l1-1M168 1h0M156 1h0M163 1v1l1-1h-1M71 2c1 0 1 0 0 0M159 2h1-1M164 1s1 0 0 0M60 0h0M80 14c0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0M145 1h1l-1-1v1M238 10V9v1M164 1h0M60 0v-1l1 1h-1M99 43h-1v1l1-1M227 30l1-1h-1v1M232 28v-1 1M234 28l-1 1 1-1M29 40h1v-1l-1 1M30 41h-1 1M30 44l-1 1v1l1-2M152 40h1l-1-1v1M152 41c1 0 1 0 0 0M152 41h-1 1M152 36h-1 1M157 34h0c0-1 0 0 0 0M156 20h-1 1M149 44h1v-1l-1 1M152 43h-1 1M93 22v1h1l-1-1M357 21v0M102 6v0M188 3h-1 1M171 19c0-1 0 0 0 0M262 29l1-1h-1v1M330 19s0-1 0 0M118 34v-1 1M117 30c1 0 1 0 0 0M32 30h1l-1-1v1M32 31c1 0 1 0 0 0M32 26h-1 1M170 21v1h1l-1-1M170 24v1h1l-1-1M171 27v1h1l-1-1M170 28l1 1-1-1M171 22v0M175 27l1-1h-1v1M172 59v1h1l-1-1M172 56h-1 1M172 41h0M172 49l-1 1h1v-1M172 39c-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0M171 56l-1 1h1v-1M170 55v1h1l-1-1M170 61v1h1l-1-1M171 38h0M170 43h0M173 61v-1 1M173 47s-1 0 0 0M171 48l1-1-1 1M170 49l1-1h-1v1M308 27c1 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0 0M311 26c-1 0 0 0 0 0M334 28v-1 1M312 26v-1h-1l1 1M312 27v0M290 37v-1 1M293 35v-1h-1l1 1M290 35s-1 0 0 0c0 1 0 1 0 0M310 25v-1 1M309 24h0M312 23v-1 1M312 22h-1 1M292 51c-1 0 0 0 0 0M293 55v-1h-1l1 1M293 61h-1 1M294 54h-1 1M294 55h-1 1M294 49v-1l-1 1h1M305 53v0M292 50l-1-1v1h1M293 55v0M292 63h-1v1l1-1M293 63v0M294 62h-1l1 1v-1M306 60h-1 1M313 52v-1h-1l1 1M305 53v-1h-1l1 1M306 54s0-1 0 0M304 62l1-1-1 1M306 60s0-1 0 0M304 59h1-1M306 58h-1 1M599 31zM599 11zM559 48zM475 26l-1-1h1v1m-1 1l-1-1h1v1m20 9l1-4v-2l-1-3-1-1h-1l-1 1c-2 0-1-2-1-2l-2 2h-1v-1h-2s1 2-1 1l-1-1h-6v-1h-2v-1-1h-1v1l-1 2 1-2v-2s1 0 0 0v-1l1-1-1-1v-2-1-2s-1-1 0 0l1-2 1-1h8l2 1c1-2 3 0 4-1h4l1-3V4c0-2-1-3-3-3h-2-2-3-1-1l-1-1v1-1l-4 1h-1l-2-1v1h-2l-1-1v1h-5c-2 0-4 1-3 2v5 1l-1 2v10l1 2v7l-1 2v7c1 0 0 0 0 0v4h1v2l-1 1 1 3-1 2h1v4l-1 2 1 4 1 2h28l2-1v-3c0-2 1-4-1-5l-3-1h-2v-1c-1 2-1 0-2 0v1h-2-2l-1-1v-1l-1 1s1 0 0 0v2l-1-1s0-1 0 0h-2l-1 1h-1l-2-1-1-1v-1l1-2v-1l-1-2 1 1 1-1-1-1-1-1v-1h2l1-1h-1-1v-1h1l-1-2 2-1h5v-1l1 1h3l2-1h2l1 1h1s-1-1 2-1l1-1M494 27zM425 11h0m22-10c-1 0-3 1-5-1l-1 1h-1V0h-1v1h-1l-4 1-3-1-6 1-9-1c-1 0-3 2-2 3v5c0 1 0 2 2 2h7l3 1v2h1v46c-1 2 1 3 3 3h4c1 0 2 0 2-2v-3-7-3-10-5-6-5l1-1-1-5v-3l1-1 3-1h6c3 0 3-1 3-3V4c1-1 0-3-2-3M601 26l-1-1h-1v1l2 2h-1-1v0h-1v2l1 1h1l-1 1 1 1 2-3h-1v-1-1l2 2 1-1-1-1h-1v-3l-1 1M524 12v1l-1 2v1 3l2-1h-1v-2h2v-1-2h-1v-1l-1-1v1M599 11"></path><path d="M475 53h2l1-1-1-1v-1h-1v1l-1 1v1M479 52h-1 1M582 16h1v-1-2h-1l-1 1-1 1h2l-1 1h1M581 13v-1h-1l1 1M600 34v3h1l1-1v-1l-1-1v-1 1h-1M529 0c0-1 0 0 0 0v-1l-2 1h-1-1 4M529 0h-4 4M581 11c0-1 0 0 0 0M585 13c0 1 0 0 0 0M476 24h2l-2-1h-1l1 1M475 21c1 0 1 0 0 0v0M480 21v0M531 16l-1 1 1-1M531 16h-1 1M549 13l-1-1 1 1h0M475 15v1h-1v1h1l1-1-1-1M559 20l1-1h-1c-1 0-2 0-1 1h1M561 30l-1-1-1 1h-1l1 1 1-1h1M561 30l-1-1 1 1M561 30h-1 1M549 14c-1 1-1 2 1 3l-1-3M556 41l-2-1 1 2 1-1M574 13l1 1c1 0 2 0 1-1l-1-1-1 1"></path><path d="M575 11l-1 1 1 1v-1-1M496 38l-1 1 1 1h1l1 1v-1l-2-2M524 43h1l-1-2c-2 0-2 2-1 2h1M602 36h1c0-1 0-3-1-2v2M585 56c0-1-2 1-2-1l-1 1h1l1 1 1-1M522 19v2l1 1h1v-1l-1-1c0-1 0-2-1-1M558 22l-1 1v1l1-1v-1M559 21v-1h-1v3l1-1v-1M559 21v-1 1M558 22v0M478 23v-1l-1 1h1M532 52v-1l1 1v-1l-2-1v2h1M533 52l1-1h-1v1M532 52h-1 1"></path><path d="M533 51h1-2l-1-1 2 1M534 51h-1 1M553 19h-1l-1 1v1h1l1-1v-1M575 44l-1-1v1h1c1 0 0-1 0 0M476 39h1l1 1v-1h-2M476 43h2l-1-1-1 1M475 41h1v-1-1l-1 1v1M478 42c-1 0 0 0 0 0v0M536 16h-1l1 1v-1M537 16h-1v1l1-1M535 16h1v-1l-1 1M605 37c0-1 0 0 0 0l1 1-1-1M598 36h-1v2l1-2M555 16c-1 1 0 1 1 1l1-1h-2M573 53v1h1v-1-1h-1-1c1 0 2 0 1 1M484 25l1-1h-1v1M484 38v1h-1v1h1l1-1-1-1M485 39h0M603 47h-1v1l1 1v-2M549 7c-1 0 0 0 0 0s1 0 0 0v0M550 18l-1-1 1 1M474 51l1-1-1 1M474 50v-1 1M525 17v1h1v-1h-1M541 19l1 1v1l1-1-2-1M541 19l2 1-2-1M559 20v0M472 0l-1 1h1V0M472 1V0v1M573 8h1V7h-1v1M475 18l-1-1v2l1-1M604 36v0M601 39c-2 0-1 1 0 1v-1M549 53h-1l1 1h1l-1-2M603 33h-1l1-1h-1v1h1M541 43v-1l-2 1h2M538 20l1 1v-2h1l-2 1M538 20l2-1-2 1M537 36h1v-1h-1v1M494 53l-1-1-1 1h2M545 9zM574 11h1v-1l-1 1v-1 1M477 22l1-1h-1v1M549 37v-1l-1 1h1M543 21l-1 1 1 1v-2M558 49l1-1h-1s0-1 0 0v1M492 24l-1 1h2l-1-1M552 50l1-2-1 2M555 31l-1-1-1 1h2M509 31l1 1 1-1h-1v-1l-1 1M524 29s0-1 0 0h0M532 21v1h1c0-1 0-2-1-1M557 35l-1-1v1l1 1v-1M555 21l1-1h-1-1l1 1M524 21v-1 1M607 49c-1-1-1 0-1 1l1-1M479 20h-1v1l1-1M534 27h1l1-1h-1l-1 1M480 25v1c1 1 1-1 1-1h-1M484 23h1v-1l-1 1M538 43s1 0 0 0c0-1 0 0 0 0M549 21l-1-1v1h1M559 13l1 1v-1h-1"></path><path d="M558 13l2 1-1-1h-1M506 39l-2-1v1h2M490 23l1-1h-1-1l1 1M534 17v1l1-1h-1M604 25l1-1-1-1v2M604 23zM484 18h-1c0-1 0 0 0 0l1 1v-1M486 51v0M439 1V0l-1 1h1M439 1h-1 1M425 17v1h1l-1-1M602 52v1l1-1h-1M603 43v0M606 41h-1l1 1v-1M601 42v2h1l-1-2M558 26l-1 1v1l1-1v-1M603 26v1h1l-1-1M550 10h1V9l-1 1M441 33v1l1-1h-1M557 37v-2 2M557 35v0M480 43l1-1h-1v1M549 57v-1l-1 1 1 1v-1M527 49l-1 2c1-1 2-1 1-2M530 50h-2l2 1h1l-1-1"></path><path d="M523 50h1l-1 1v-1zm4 3c1 1 0 1-1 1l1-1zm6 0l-1 1 1-1zm2-2h0zm1-3v2l-1-1 1-1zm10-30l-1-9-3-5-1-1-2-1c-2 0-1-2-2-2v-1l-1 1 1 1-1-1h-1l-1 1-1-1v0h-3-5c-1 0-2 1-2-1l-1 2V0l-1 1-3 2V2l-1 1v1l-2 2c-2 1-2 3-3 5v5l-1 1v3l1-1-1 1v5l1 1-1 7v4h0v4c1 1 1 2-1 3h2v4l1 8 2 3 5 3 2 1 4 1h9c1-2 1-1 2 0l1-2 3-2h1l2-3 2-10-2-2-1-1-1-1-2 1h1v1h-3c-2 0-2 1-2 2l-1-1h-2l1 1v4l-1 1h-1-1l-1 1h-2l-2-1-1 1 1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1v-2c1 0 0 0 0 0-2-1-2-1-1-3v-2-3l1-1-1-1 1-1v-1 1c1 0 0 0 0 0v1h2l1-1-1-2-1 1 1 1-1-1h-1-1v-1h2l-1-1-1 1-1-2h1v-1l-1-1 1-1v-3-5c1 0 0 0 0 0v-2-1-3h1v-1c-1-2 0-2 1-2h1l3-1 2 1-1 1v1l1 1v-1s-1 0 0 0l1-2c2 0 2 1 2 2l1 1v-1l1-2v2l1 1v1l-2-1-1 1h1l1 1a266 266 0 0 0 2 0l-1 1 2 3 2-1h1l2 1 2-1 1-1z"></path><path d="M534 22h-1l1 1v-1M478 51l-1-1 1 1M480 41v-1h-1l1 1M475 47v1h1l-1-1M578 54v0M539 2V1v1M539 2V1v1M476 44h2-2M482 22h0M606 26l-1-1c0-1 0 0 0 0l1 1M582 55l1-2-1 2M434 2V1v1c0-1 0-1 0 0M434 2c0-1 0-1 0 0M575 10V9c-1 0 0 0 0 0v1M490 1h-1-1 2M490 1h-2 2M611 37l-1 1h1v-1M526 20v0M486 1h1l-2-1v1h1M486 1h-1l1 1 1-1h-1M606 32l-1 1 1-1M474 48c0 1 1 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0 0M476 46l1 1v0l-1-1M524 48h1l-1-1v1M529 47v1c-1 1 0 0 0 0v-1M530 36l-1 1 1 1v-1-1M461 23h-1l1 1v-1M503 39l-1 1 1-1M525 23h0c0-1-1 0 0 0M482 25h0M480 23h-1 1M478 24h0M490 1V0h-1v1h1M490 1h-1 1M551 22v-1h-1l1 1M476 45v1s1 1 1-1h-1M604 40v0M539 22l1 1-1-1c1 0 0 0 0 0"></path><path d="M539 22v1h1l-1-1M539 22s1 0 0 0M537 1l-1-1 1 1M564 0l-1-1v1zM489 52l-1-2v1l1 1M581 16h-1 1M579 17l1 1v-1c-1 0-2 0-1 1v-1M604 25l-1 1h1v-1M551 30v1l1-1h-1M603 22v1h1l-1-1M554 22l1-1h-1v1M478 1V0l-1 1h1M478 1h-1 1M584 11h1l-1-1v1M543 35h1l-1-1v1M557 36l-1 1h1v-1M557 36v0M583 8h1V7l-1 1M474 53v-1 1M478 52v-1h1l-1 1M547 15v0c1 0 0 0 0 0M560 31v0M561 32h-1 1M560 32h1l-1-1v1M560 32h0M555 14l1-1h-1v1M581 53v1h1l-1-1M491 42h1l-1-1v1M607 41v1l1-1h-1M479 40l-1 1h1v-1M536 22l-1-1 1 1M549 38v0M601 38l-1-1 1 1M498 37v1l1-1h-1M552 17v0M529 16v-1l-1 1h1M552 15l-1-1v1h1M439 33l1-1-1 1M529 52v1h1l-1-1M530 53h-1 1M555 14v-1l-1 1h1M555 14v-1 1M537 32l1-1h-1v1M540 30s0-1 0 0h-1 1M510 30zM510 30v0s1 0 0 0M510 30zM579 51v0M488 26v-1l-1-1v1l1 1M601 14v-1h-1l1 1M559 1l-1 1h1V1M469 63h1-1M469 63h1-1M481 43h1v-1l-1 1M439 42s0 1 0 0h0M531 19v0M599 52v-2 2M585 57v0M530 27l-1 1h1v-1M552 6V5h-1l1 1M544 29v-1h-1l1 1M477 41h-1 1M461 21v0M500 29v0s-1 0 0 0M600 51c1 0 0 0 0 0M477 18h-1 1M542 40h0M539 25h1v-1l-1 1M478 48l1-1-1 1M485 0v0M485 1h1-1M485 1V0v1M485 1h0M439 0a92 92 0 0 1 0 1V0M439 1V0v1M439 1V0v1M551 47h-1 1M468 0l1 1-1-1M575 54l1-1h-1v1M581 48h1l-1-1v1M528 31h1v-1l-1 1M548 53v1h1l-1-1M548 53l1 1-1-1M525 22v-1 1M561 17h-1l1 1v-1M561 17h-1 1M561 17v0M479 44l-1 1h1v-1M463 15zM542 24v-1l-1 1h1M530 35v-1 1M498 34l-1-1 1 1M553 33v0M484 52l-1-1v1h1M483 53c0-1 0-1 0 0M497 33c-1 1 0 0 0 0M538 23h1-1M538 23h0M539 23h-1 1M538 23h0M603 52v0M605 35h1l-1-1v1M553 35h-1l1 1v-1M531 49v-1 1M609 36v-1l-1 1h1M511 37h0M557 52v0M503 13v-1 1M439 18v-1 1M509 39v-1 1M482 0c0 1 0 1 0 0M482 1V0c0 1 0 1 0 0v1M484 1h-1 1M484 1h-1 1M541 29v-1 1M461 29l1-1h-1v1M462 2h1V1l-1 1M486 51s-1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0M546 18l-1 1 1-1M545 19l1-1-1 1M612 27l1-1-1 1M559 26h-1 1M559 26s1 0 0 0M529 26v0M602 49h1-1M607 26l-1-1 1 1M476 50v-1 1M582 11c0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0M505 42h0M506 41v1l1-1h-1M600 43s1 0 0 0M482 41s0 1 0 0c1 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0 0 0M480 45v-1 1M507 40v1l1-1h-1M461 39v1h1l-1-1M481 39h-1l1 1v-1M525 39v-2 2M508 44h1v-1l-1 1M505 38l1-1h-1v1M482 38l1 1-1-1M510 36v0M554 36h-1l1 1v-1M545 45c0-1 0 0 0 0-1-1-1 0 0 0M549 45s-1 0 0 0v0M607 45v0M607 36h-1 1M540 35h0M553 45v1h1l-1-1M509 31v0M609 31v-1 1M607 47zM607 46h-1l1 1v-1M607 47zM603 30v1h1l-1-1M557 30h-1v1l1-1M510 47v0M538 29h-1 1c0 1 0 0 0 0M606 28h-1 1M555 25v1l1-1h-1M497 25v-1l-1 1h1M559 24l-1-1v1h1M479 19h-1 1M551 49v0M498 19v-1l-1 1h1M484 18h1v-1l-1 1M474 14v0M529 14h-1 1M531 15v0M505 15c1 0 1 0 0 0M506 15v0M483 13v-1h-1l1 1M560 12h-1 1M496 10v1h1l-1-1M464 7v0M464 7v0M511 3v0M522 1V0v1M522 1V0v1M447 1h1l-1-1v1M490 1h1V0h-1v1M490 1V0v1M444 1V0v1M590 0h1c0 1 0 0 0 0h-1M468 0c0 1 0 0 0 0M528 16l-1 1 1 1v-2M531 13v1l1 1-1-2M609 53v0M597 57l1 1v-1h-1M599 58l-1-1v1h1M553 58l-1 1h1v-1M599 59h-1l1 1v-1M540 62v0M549 62v0M596 62v0M533 65v1l1-1h-1M585 16h0M584 18l1-1h-1s1 0 0 0v1M586 17v0s-1 0 0 0M554 35c-1 0-1 0 0 0v1l1-1h-1M574 44v-1h-1v1h1M561 27v0M583 14l1-1-1 1M585 16l-1-1v1h1M474 44v-1 1s1 0 0 0M474 42l1-1h-1v1M476 44h-1v1l1-1M528 44h-1 1M559 21v-1 1M559 20v0M559 20zM559 20zM554 39v-1l-1 1h1M574 48l1 1v-1h-1M585 18v0M527 32v0M527 35c0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0M526 36s1 0 0 0M527 46v0M526 48l-1 1h1v-1M528 38v1h1l-1-1M526 37v0M527 26c1 0 1 0 0 0M523 36v0M527 41c0 1 0 1 0 0M528 37h-1 1M526 29h0M526 42c1 0 0 0 0 0M526 40v0M526 47v0c1 0 0-1 0 0M529 26v1h1l-1-1M522 29v1h1l-1-1M528 26h0M528 33s-1 0 0 0v0M536 19h0M534 16v1l1-1h-1M525 45v1h1l-1-1M509 14c0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0M505 35h-1 1M505 36h-1 1M509 25l-1 1h1v-1M525 30h-2l1 1 1-1M508 25c1 0 1 0 0 0M507 29v1l-1 1 1-1v-1M507 28l-1 1h1v-1M539 28h-1l1 1v-1M527 11h-1v2h1v-2M545 9h1l-1-2v2M540 2l1 1 1-1-1-1-1 1M523 28h-1 1M526 22v0M526 30v0M533 28v1h1l-1-1M535 28v0M533 32h-1 1M533 42v0M533 30h-1l1 1v-1M532 34v0M532 41c1 0 1 0 0 0M523 31v0M533 38h0M533 37v0M532 36v1h1l-1-1M534 29v0M529 29v1l1-1h-1M528 47h-1 1M529 49v0M530 45h-1 1M529 42c1 0 1 0 0 0M532 44h-1 1M528 43v-1 1M529 42v-1 1M533 45h-1 1M530 41v0M530 22s0-1 0 0M528 23h-1l1 1v-1M533 25h-1 1M534 23h-1v1l1-1M532 25c0-1 0 0 0 0M531 25h-1 1c0 1 0 0 0 0M530 23h-1v1l1-1M529 19h-1 1M529 21c-1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0M528 20c1 0 1 0 0 0M533 21v-1l-1 1M531 21h1v-1l-1 1M532 18s0 1 0 0c0 0-1 0 0 0M533 20h1v-1l-1 1M531 32h-1v1h1v-1M532 34v-1 1M531 26h-1 1M531 27v1h1l-1-1M533 33v-1h-1l1 1M534 33v-1h-1l1 1M533 26h0M530 32v-1 1M532 28v0M524 38h-1 1M510 39l-1 1h1v-1M525 32v1h1l-1-1M525 39l-1 1h1v-1M525 40c1 0 0 0 0 0M527 46v-1h-1l1 1M528 46l1-1h-1v1M528 37l-1 1h2l-1-1M522 45h1v-1l-1 1M526 40v0M523 46l1 1v-1h-1M522 23v1l1-1h-1M524 22v0M522 30v1h1l-1-1M528 25v1h1l-1-1M530 27h0M547 24v1h1l-1-1M549 23c0-1-1 0 0 0h0M547 31s-1 0 0 0M545 30c0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0M546 25v0M545 25c1 0 1 0 0 0M545 34h0M543 31v-1h-1l1 1M548 27v0M549 25v-1l-1 1v1l1-1M545 29h-1 1M559 51h1v-1l-1 1M559 58v-1 1M557 57l1-1h-1v1M558 52c1 0 1 0 0 0M558 51v0M557 51v0M558 60h-1 1M555 57c-1 0-1 0 0 0M560 54v-1 1M561 52v-1c-1-1-1 0-1 1v1l1-1M557 56v0M598 56v0M599 59v0M598 59l1-1h-1v1M600 53c1 0 0 0 0 0M599 55v1h1l-1-1M598 54v1h1l-1-1M598 59s0 1 0 0M558 38v0M558 45v-1 1M556 44s-1 0 0 0M556 43v0M556 38v0M556 48h1l-1-1v1M555 43h0M552 33l-1-1v2l1-1M551 43v-1l-1 2h1v-1M557 40l-1 1h2l-1-1M550 36c1 0 0 0 0 0v0M551 39v-1l-1 1h1M551 21v-1 1M552 35l1-1h-1v1M549 20v-1h-1l1 1M549 31c0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0M550 35v0M550 35h-1 1M549 28v0M551 37v0M551 39v0M609 19l1-1h-1v1M602 44l-1 1 1-1M603 45v0M601 41v0M601 40s0-1 0 0M601 29v0M600 47s0-1 0 0M600 45v0M599 51v1h1l-1-1M600 6h-1 1s0-1 0 0M600 34v-1h-1l1 1M600 35v-1h-1l1 1M602 51s1 0 0 0c0-1 0 0 0 0M600 45h1-1M600 38h0M599 39h1l-1-1v1M603 14l-1 1 1-1M599 12v0c1 0 0 0 0 0M598 13v0M602 23v1c-1 0 0 0 0 0h1l-1-1M601 8v1h1l-1-1M602 10v1h1l-1-1M599 10l-1 1h1v-1M600 11h-1v1l1-1M600 7l-1 1h1V7M599 17v1h1l-1-1M600 15v-1 1M599 14l1-1-1 1M597 18h0M598 15l1-1-1 1M597 16v0M426 46l1 1-1 1v-1-1M426 21h-1v-1l1 1M424 34h-1 1M423 13s-1 0 0 0c0-1 0 0 0 0M424 16l1-1-1 1M424 37v0M426 44l1 1-1-1M425 17v1c0 1 0 0 0 0v-1M425 28v0M423 38v1-1M425 27v1h-1l1-1M425 21h-1 1M425 43c0 1 0 0 0 0M424 19h0M425 30v-1 1M425 13v0M426 38v1h-1l1-1M424 36v1h-1l1-1M425 20v-1 1M427 40l-1 1 1-1M421 14l-1 1h1v-1M424 13v0M423 13h-1 1M607 32s0 1 0 0M606 30v1h1l-1-1M606 32h1-1M605 26h0M607 31v1h-1l1-1M605 30v0M607 29h-1 1M605 27v-1 1M607 27v0M510 38v0M510 43h0M509 34v-1h-1l1 1M508 36l-1 1 1 1v-2M510 22s1 0 0 0M510 20v1h1l-1-1M508 16v1h1l-1-1M509 13l-1 1h1v-1M509 18s1-1 0 0M509 18c1 0 0 0 0 0M518 0h-1l1 1V0M531 31h-1 1M532 25v1h1l-1-1M528 32h-1 1M528 33h-1 1M530 35v0M528 28h-1 1M528 30h-1 1M441 20l-1 1h1v-1M506 8l-1-1h-1l1 2 1-1M505 18v-1l-1 1 1 1v-1M506 13h0M505 14l-1-1v1h1M507 14v-1h-1l1 1M507 13h-1 1M505 19l-1-1 1 1M500 18v-1 1M506 10l1-1h-1v1M508 23c0-1 0 0 0 0M507 16c-1 0-1 0 0 0M506 10v1h1l-1-1M508 11v0M506 7v0M501 27v0M505 13c-1 0 0 0 0 0M504 11v1h1l-1-1"></path><path d="M504 18v1l1-1h-1M505 11s1 0 0 0M500 26h0M500 24l1-1h-1v1M499 24h0M505 8v0M503 8h1V7h-1v1M507 18c-1-1-1 0-1 1l1-1M505 10v0M500 9V8v1M500 9v0M481 49l-1 1 2-1h-1M491 49h-1 1M485 48h1v-1l-1 1M506 51v-1h-1l1 1M487 47h-1v1l1-1M486 47v0M500 42v-1 1M502 53s0 1 0 0M500 45v0M487 43h0M488 47h0M485 48c0 1 0 0 0 0M501 52c-1 0 0 0 0 0s0-1 0 0M506 49v0M506 48v0M506 54l-1 1h1v-1M490 47c0-1 0-1 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0M502 49v0M500 50h0M500 48h1l-1-1v1M499 48h0M498 54h1v-1h-1v1M491 47c-1 1 0 1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1-1M500 56c1 0 0 0 0 0v0M499 34s0 1 0 0M493 44l1 1v-1h-1M494 42v0M495 46l1 1v-1h-1M496 41v0M496 49c0-1 0-1 0 0M488 42v1h1l-1-1M488 41v0M496 50v-1 1M494 48v0M494 43h-1 1M485 41v0M496 31h-1 1M497 31v-1 1M486 44h-1 1M481 41v-1 1M485 43h0M494 21c-1 0 0 0 0 0M497 22v-1l-1 1h1M495 20l-1 1h1v-1M482 17l-1-1v1h1M480 18l-1 1h1v-1M483 24l-1-1v1h1M480 24v0M482 24v0M483 20h-2l1 1c1 0 2 0 1-1M481 22v1l1-1h-1M480 16l-1 1h2l-1-1M479 18l-1-1 1 1M481 18v-1h-1l1 1M481 17h-1 1M480 14c1 0 0 0 0 0M480 16c-1 0 0 0 0 0M479 16v0M478 15v1h1l-1-1M492 16h0M484 15v1h1l-1-1M486 20l1 1v-1h-1M484 14v0M483 14c0 1 0 0 0 0M486 22v0M491 18h0M493 17v0M491 21h-1 1M491 19l-1 1h1v-1M490 23v0M492 18v0M494 14v0M491 14h-1v1l1-1M487 13h-1l1 1v-1M487 24h-1v1l1-1M489 15l-1 1h1v-1M491 22h-1 1M492 22v-1h-1l1 1M491 15v1h1l-1-1M488 21c1 0 1 0 0 0v-1 1M490 17v0M483 13v0M488 16h0M489 20h-1 1M490 15h0M484 21h1-1s0 1 0 0M484 22s1 0 0 0M486 17h-1 1M486 20v-1h-1l1 1M495 28v0M494 28v-1 1M495 25v0M494 26c0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0M494 25c-1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0M494 25h1v-1l-1 1M495 24v-1l-1 1h1M604 22v1l1-1h-1M602 15h-1 1M601 18h-1l1 1v-1M601 16v0M604 17v0M606 19h0M602 19v0M605 21v0M605 20l-1 1h1v-1M609 45h1-1M609 48v0M610 47v-1 1M609 48c-1 0 0 0 0 0M610 44h-1 1M535 45s1 0 0 0M535 43v1h1l-1-1M536 46v-1h-1l1 1M536 32l1 1v-1h-1M537 43c0-1 0-1 0 0M537 41h-1 1M538 40l-1 1h1v-1M536 37v0M537 44v0M537 44l1 1v-1h-1M538 43h-1v1l1-1M579 3h-1 1c1 0 0 0 0 0M597 42l-1-1 1-1v2m0 4c0-1 1 0 0 0m0-1h-1v-1l1 1m-11-7h-1l-1-1h2v1m-2 12v-1 1m-1-3v-1l1 1h-1m0 3v-2 2m0-9v0m1-2v1h-1l1-1m-1-19v-1h1l-1 1m-4 22v-1h1l-1 1m-1-1h-1l1-1 1 1h-1m-1-16v-1 1m-3-3h-2v-1l1-1h1l-1 1a224 224 0 0 1 1 0v1m0 19v-1 1m-1-3l1-1v1h-1m0 2v-1l1 1h-1m0-22v-1 1h1v1h-1v-1l-1-1 1 1m-12 6v0m0 4v-1 1m21-9s0 1 0 0m15 3v2-1-1m0-2l1 1h-1v-1m1 3v-1 1c1 0 0 0 0 0M577 11h0M578 7h-1 1M577 7zM583 17v0M582 8l-1 1h1V8M578 13v1h1l-1-1M579 14c0 1 0 1 0 0M578 16v0M579 6v0M578 6v1h1l-1-1M580 14h-1 1M577 9l1-1h-1v1M579 7v0M581 8v0M579 9c0 1 0 0 0 0M578 15v1l1-1h-1M576 13v2l2-1c0-1-1-2-2-1M577 22l1-1h-1v1M575 53h0M575 47c0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0M577 48v0M575 49c-1 0 0 0 0 0M574 49v0M573 48v1h1l-1-1M573 54v1h1l-1-1M576 54c0-1 0 0 0 0M551 26v0M551 24v-1 1M551 25h1-1M551 28l1-1h-1v1M524 26l-1-1-1 2h2c0 1 0 0 0 0l1-1c0-2 1-1 2-1v-1l-1-1-1 1c1 0 0 0 0 0l-1 2zM476 14c1 0 1 0 0 0M476 15s0-1 0 0M478 11l-1 1 1 1v-2M475 19v0M476 16v1h1l-1-1M477 16v0M477 16v-1h-1l1 1M487 25c-1 0 0 0 0 0M483 25h0M476 21v-1 1M540 36v0M542 32v0M539 33c1 0 1 0 0 0M540 28v0M539 26v1h1l-1-1M538 33v1h1l-1-1M538 32v0M510 41v1l1-1h-1M540 38h0M539 25s1 0 0 0c0-1 0-1 0 0M538 26v-1c1 0 0 0 0 0v1M460 21h1l-1-1v1M463 27v0M461 31s1 0 0 0M461 26l1-1h-1v1M462 32c-1 0 0 0 0 0M460 22c0 1 0 0 0 0M459 22h0M462 14v1h1l-1-1M463 30v0M459 28c-1 0 0 1 0 0M462 23v-1 1s1 0 0 0M463 10l-1-1v1s0 1 0 0h1M459 33h1l-1-1v1M461 33h-1 1M453 27v-1 1M460 36h1-1M462 34v0M462 37v1h1l-1-1M461 18v0M461 9v1l1-1h-1M458 16l1 1v-1h-1M461 7l-1 1h1V7M461 8h-1l1 1V8M461 10l-1 1h1v-1M462 3h-1v1l1-1M461 5s0-1 0 0M462 7v0M462 12v0M461 13h0M462 8v0M458 14h0M478 49v1l1-1h-1M531 45l-1 1h1v-1M531 43c0-1 0-1 0 0M531 47v-1 1M576 11h-1l1 1v-1M575 7v0M576 5v0M576 9V8v1M543 31h-1l1 1v-1M542 27v0M542 25h1-1M543 27v-1h-1l1 1M543 29h-1 1M544 41l-1 1 1-1M544 42s1 0 0 0M545 44l-1-1v1h1M543 34v-1 1M545 35h-1 1M542 36l1-1h-1v1M543 43h-1 1M543 41v-1h-1l1 1M544 40v0M547 40h-1 1M438 48v-1 1M438 48v-1 1M444 23h-1l1 1v-1M498 6s0-1 0 0M498 0c0 1 0 1 0 0M500 1v0M497 2h0M446 21h0M446 29v0M446 19v0M496 2v1h1l-1-1M496 1v1h1l-1-1M496 7v1h1l-1-1M445 18h0M445 24v-1h-1l1 1M498 7h0M445 28h1v-1l-1 1M438 27l-1-1 1 1M438 58h0M438 59v0M441 45c1 0 0 0 0 0M438 53c-1 0-1 0 0 0M441 51h0M440 52v-1 1M578 49v1h1l-1-1M577 50s0-1 0 0h-1 1M579 50h-1 1M579 50h-1 1M578 46l1-1h-1v1M578 47h0M578 48c0 1 0 1 0 0M577 49c-1 0 0 0 0 0M577 47l-1 1h1v-1M577 47v0M577 47v-1 1M577 19s0 1 0 0M578 17h-1 1M577 20v0M579 21v0M577 17v0M576 15v1h1l-1-1M577 18h-1 1M583 12h-1 1v1h2v-1h-2l1-1-1 1M581 52s0 1 0 0M578 57c1 0 1 0 0 0M575 58v0M611 45c1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0M602 20v2h1l-1-2"></path><path d="M600 21v-2h-1l-2-1v-2s0-1 0 0l1-1c-1-1-2-1-1-2l1-1 1-1c-2 0-2-1-2-2V3l-2-2h-7v1h-1v2l-1 3c1 1 1 2-1 3 2 0 2 1 2 2h-1v1l1 1h-2l-1 1h1l1 1v4l-1 1-1-1v-1l-1-1s0 1 0 0l-1-1-1-1h-1v1l1 1c1-1 0 0 0 0v3l2-1v3l-2-1-1 1-1-1h1l-2-1h-1l-1 1-1 1v-2-1-1l1-1v-1h-1v-2-1h-1-1l1-1-1-1-1-1h1v-1c-1 0-2 0-1-1V8 7 3l-2-2h-5-1-1l-1 2-1 4h1v6l-2 2h-2v1h2v1h1c1-1 0 0 0 0v2 1h1l-1 2v-2l-1 1v3l-1 2c1 0 0 0 0 0l-1 1 1 1h1v1l1 1v-1 1h-1v1h2l-1 1h-1l-1 1-1 2h1l1-1v-1 1h0l-1 2-1 1 1 1 1 1v2l2 1c0 2-1 2-3 2v3l1-1h1l-1 1s-1 0 0 0l-1 1h1c2 0 2 0 1 2l1 2-1 5 1 3 2 3h5l2-1v-3l1-3-1-2h2l-1-1v-2-2c-1 0-1-1 1-1l-1-3c1 1 2 0 3 2l1-1v-1l-2-1h-2l1-1v-1h0l1 1h2v1h5l-1 1-1 1h2l1 1 1 1h-1v4l2-1 1 2v-4h1v6 7l3 1h5l2-2v-3l1-1v-1l-1-1v-4l1-1h1l-1-1h-1v-1l2-2h1l-1-1v-1h-1 2v-2h1l1-1h-2l-1-1h-1v-1l-1-2v-1h1v-3l2-1h-2v-1 1l1-2v-1l-1-1v1l-1-1 1-1 2-1h-2l1-1h-1 2v-3l1-1h-1 1M580 49l-1-2 1 2"></path><path d="M573 50h-1l1 1h1l-1-1M582 53h1l-1-1v1M574 58v-1h-1l1 1M577 56l1-1-1 1M577 55v1l1-1h-1M581 58h-1l1 1v-1M580 61v0M580 63h-1 1M579 57h0M579 64h-1 1M572 60v1h1l-1-1M579 62v0M580 59h-1 1M577 59v-1 1M579 61v0M598 37v-1 1c-1 0 0 0 0 0M600 36h-1 1M599 31h1l-1-1v1M601 35v-1l-1 1h1M598 35h-1 1c0 1 0 0 0 0M599 34h-1c-1 0-1 0 0 0l1 1v-1M599 34v1h1l-1-1M599 32v0M598 39v0M598 38v0M598 38h0M598 31h0M598 32v-1h-1l1 1"></path></g></svg></span></a></div><nav class="flex flex-1 justify-end items-center h-100"><ul class="pa0 ma0 list flex h-100"><li class="flex items-center"><a href="/projects" class="black underline-hover link f4-ns db-menu-item dn-menu-item ttu mh3 generika">Projects</a></li><li class="flex items-center pointer mh3 generika black link f4-ns"><span class="black link f4-ns db-menu-item dn-menu-item dn-menu ttu">I want to...</span></li><li class="flex items-center"><a href="/about" class="black underline-hover link f4-ns db-menu-item dn-menu-item ttu mh3 generika">About Us</a></li><li class="flex items-center"><a href="/contact" class="black underline-hover link f4-ns db-menu-item dn-menu-item ttu mh3 generika">Contact</a></li></ul><div class="bg-white h2 hover dim pointer"><ul class="dn-menu-mobile db-menu-mobile list pa1 mv1"><li class="hamb-menu"></li><li class="hamb-menu"></li><li class="hamb-menu"></li></ul></div></nav></header></div><div class="ba br-0-ns bt-0-ns bb-0-ns bl-ns bl-d-ns scroll-l" id="main"><div class="offset-header parent full"><main class="flex flex-row items-stretch flex-wrap flex-1 bb"><div class="loader w-100"><div class="pa3 bb bt br-ns w-100" style='background-image: url(""); background-position: center center;'><div class="h6 flex flex-column justify-end pb2 mw6"><div><span class="dib ttu f7 pv0 ph1 bg-white barlow mv0"><span>Project release</span></span><span class="bg-white mv0"><a href="" class="link black" target="_blank"><h1><span class="bg-white mv0 f2-m f1-l black ttu generika normal measure-narrow feature-hov">Everything Will Be Fine, an outdoor exhibition by Tactical Tech</span></h1></a></span><span class="bg-white lh-core di pv1">The outdoor exhibition by Tactical Tech, co-produced by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, explores through the lens of technology how people get informed, make decisions and respond to current global crises like climate change, pandemics or political polarisation.</span></div></div></div></div><article class="flex bb flex-wrap flex-1 br-ns fb-100 flex-row-ns"><section class="lh-flat bb bg flex flex-row items-stretch bn-ns w-100 w-50-m w-two-thirds-l"><div class="loader"><div class="LazyLoad is-visible" style="height: 100%;"><img class="w-100 h-100 o-cover" src="" alt="Empowering organisations worldwide to build a sustainable digital future" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 400px, (max-width: 600px) 600px, (max-width: 800px) 800px" srcset=" 400w, 600w, 800w,
       1.5x, 2x"></div></div></section><section class="pa3 lh-copy w-100 w-50-m w-third-l bg bl-ns"><a href="" class="link black dim" target="_blank"><h2 class="ttu lh-tight fw4 generika black ma0 f2 lh-title">Empowering organisations worldwide to build a sustainable digital future</h2></a><p>At Tactical Tech, a Berlin-based non-profit organisation, we design and co-develop playful and forward-looking experiences, interventions, events and educational resources that invite people to think about how technology influences their lives and changes the world they live in.</p><div class="f5 dim pv0 bb b--light-silver dib ttu generika"><a href="" class="link dim black" target="_blank">Read more<span class="f5"> ↗︎</span></a></div></section></article><article class="flex bb flex-wrap flex-1 br-ns fb-33 minw-6 flex-column"><section class="lh-flat bb bg flex flex-row items-stretch"><div class="loader"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height: 256px;"></div></div></section><section class="pa3 lh-copy"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">call-out</span><a href="" class="link black dim" target="_blank"><h2 class="ttu lh-tight fw4 generika black ma0 f2 lh-title">Call for Podcast Producer for our “Exposing the Invisible” project [Short term, part-time]</h2></a><p>Tactical Tech's “Exposing the Invisible” (ETI) project is looking for a short-term podcast producer to develop a concept and implement a series of podcasts focused on topics related to innovative investigation methods, cases and community engagement with investigations.</p><div class="f5 dim pv0 bb b--light-silver dib ttu generika"><a href="" class="link dim black" target="_blank">Read more<span class="f5"> ↗︎</span></a></div></section></article><article class="flex bb flex-wrap flex-1 br-ns fb-33 minw-6 flex-column"><section class="lh-flat bb bg flex flex-row items-stretch"><div class="loader"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height: 256px;"></div></div></section><section class="pa3 lh-copy"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">call-out</span><a href="/news/call-for-hosts-everything-will-be-fine-exhibition-berlin" class="link black dim"><h2 class="ttu lh-tight fw4 generika black ma0 f2 lh-title">[Call for hosts/ Stellenangebot für Ausstellungsbegleiter] Everything Will Be Fine Exhibition in Berlin</h2></a><p>Tactical Tech is looking for engaged, outgoing exhibition hosts to assist in an outdoor, public exhibition about technology and crisis entitled “Everything Will Be Fine.” The exhibition takes place in a temp</p><div class="bb b--light-silver f5 dim ph0 pv0 mb2 dib ttu generika"><span class="f5">→︎ </span><a href="/news/call-for-hosts-everything-will-be-fine-exhibition-berlin" class="link dim black">Read more</a></div></section></article><article class="flex bb flex-wrap flex-1 br-ns fb-33 minw-6 flex-column"><section class="lh-flat bb bg flex flex-row items-stretch"><div class="loader"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height: 256px;"></div></div></section><section class="pa3 lh-copy"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">call-out</span><a href="/news/Job-opportunity-Grants-and-Fundraising=Coordinator" class="link black dim"><h2 class="ttu lh-tight fw4 generika black ma0 f2 lh-title">[Job opportunity] Grants and Fundraising Coordinator</h2></a><p>We are looking for an engaged Grants and Fundraising Coordinator with strong organisational and interpersonal skills, committed to a non-profit cause to coordinate grant management, ensuring adherence to contracted work plans and log-frames across grants.</p><div class="bb b--light-silver f5 dim ph0 pv0 mb2 dib ttu generika"><span class="f5">→︎ </span><a href="/news/Job-opportunity-Grants-and-Fundraising=Coordinator" class="link dim black">Read more</a></div></section></article><article class="flex bb flex-wrap flex-1 br-ns fb-100 flex-row-ns"><section class="lh-flat bb bg flex flex-row items-stretch bn-ns w-100 w-50-m w-two-thirds-l"><div class="loader"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height: 100%;"></div></div></section><section class="pa3 lh-copy w-100 w-50-m w-third-l bg bl-ns"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">article</span><a href="/news/Annual-Report-2021" class="link black dim"><h2 class="ttu lh-tight fw4 generika black ma0 f2 lh-title">Annual Report 2021: Building a sustainable digital future</h2></a><p>In 2021, Tactical Tech worked to empower organisations worldwide to build a sustainable digital future. The main focuses of our projects and initiatives were changing the conversation, expanding knowledge, advancing skills, and reaching new audiences. This report highlights the key results of 2021.</p><div class="bb b--light-silver f5 dim ph0 pv0 mb2 dib ttu generika"><span class="f5">→︎ </span><a href="/news/Annual-Report-2021" class="link dim black">Read more</a></div></section></article><article class="flex bb flex-wrap flex-1 br-ns fb-33 minw-6 flex-column"><section class="lh-flat bb bg flex flex-row items-stretch"><div class="loader"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height: 256px;"></div></div></section><section class="pa3 lh-copy"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">The Data Detox Kit </span><a href="/news/Open-Partnerships-Call-Data-Detox-Kit" class="link black dim"><h2 class="ttu lh-tight fw4 generika black ma0 f2 lh-title">[Open Partnerships Call] Data Detox Kit</h2></a><p>We are looking for partner individuals, organisations, or collectives in Southwest Asia and North Africa (SWANA) to collaborate with the worldwide-renowned Data Detox Kit.</p><div class="bb b--light-silver f5 dim ph0 pv0 mb2 dib ttu generika"><span class="f5">→︎ </span><a href="/news/Open-Partnerships-Call-Data-Detox-Kit" class="link dim black">Read more</a></div></section></article><article class="flex bb flex-wrap flex-1 br-ns fb-33 minw-6 flex-column"><section class="lh-flat bb bg flex flex-row items-stretch"><div class="loader"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height: 256px;"></div></div></section><section class="pa3 lh-copy"><a href="" class="link black dim" target="_blank"><h2 class="ttu lh-tight fw4 generika black ma0 f2 lh-title">Explore the new worshops section of the "Exposing the Invisible" project</h2></a><p>The Exposing the Invisible project launched a section that includes structure, techniques, tips and tools that you can use to organise training sessions on online and offline investigation methods. Explore this new section now!</p><div class="f5 dim pv0 bb b--light-silver dib ttu generika"><a href="" class="link dim black" target="_blank">Read more<span class="f5"> ↗︎</span></a></div></section></article><article class="flex bb flex-wrap flex-1 br-ns fb-33 minw-6 flex-column"><section class="lh-flat bb bg flex flex-row items-stretch"><div class="loader"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height: 256px;"></div></div></section><section class="pa3 lh-copy"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">project-update</span><a href="" class="link black dim" target="_blank"><h2 class="ttu lh-tight fw4 generika black ma0 f2 lh-title">What The Future Wants: Let's work together to empower young generations</h2></a><p>The 'What The Future Wants project' aims to put young people in the driving seat of their digital futures through education, co-creation and capacity building.</p><div class="f5 dim pv0 bb b--light-silver dib ttu generika"><a href="" class="link dim black" target="_blank">Read more<span class="f5"> ↗︎</span></a></div></section></article></main></div><div class="w-100 dn db-l bg-black white"><footer class="pb0 pa3 generika"><div class="flex flex-row-l flex-column w-100 justify-center mt0-l mt3 ph4-l"><div class="flex flex-column flex-row-l flex-row-m w-40-m w-60-xl w-100"><div class="w-50-l w-100 pl0 pl4-l pt3-l"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img class="db white" src=""></a></div></div><div class="flex flex-row-l flex-column justify-end-l justify-center w-60-m w-40-xl w-100 pr4"><div class="flex flex-column items-left mb3 w-40-l w-100"><h3 class="pl0 b mb0">Tactical Tech</h3><p class="mt3">Brunnenstraße 9,<br>10119 Berlin, Germany</p><p class="mt3 mb0"><br><a href="" class="white dim link link-h"></a></p><p><a href="" class="dib mt2 dim link link-h white" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Lite website</a></p></div><div class="flex flex-column items-left w-40-l w-100"><h3 class="pl4-l b mb0">About</h3><ul 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flex-column items-center justify-center tc link w-auto-l w-50 pv2 h4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><div class="flex flex-grow-1 items-center justify-center"><img class="ddk-footer" src="" alt="Data Detox Kit"></div><span class="db">The Data Detox Kit</span></a><a href="" class="link white flex flex-column items-center justify-center tc link w-auto-l w-50 pv2 h4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><div class="flex flex-grow-1 items-center justify-center"><img class="eti-footer" src="" alt="Exposing the Invisible"></div><span class="db">Exposing the Invisible</span></a><a href="" class="link white flex flex-column items-center justify-center tc link w-auto-l w-50 pv2 h4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><div class="flex flex-grow-1 items-center justify-center"><i class="sprite bg-glassroom"></i></div><span class="db">The Glass Room</span></a><a href="" class="link white flex flex-column items-center justify-center tc link w-auto-l w-50 pv2 h4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><div class="flex flex-grow-1 items-center justify-center"><i class="sprite bg-odos"></i></div><span class="db">Our Data Our Selves</span></a></div></div></div><hr class="white mt4 mb3 w-90-l w-100 dn-l"><div class="flex flex-column-l flex-row w-20-l w-100"><div class="flex flex-column items-center w-100"><h3 class="mb3 tl-l tc self-start w-100 white">Previous Projects</h3><ul class="list flex flex-column w-80-l w-100 ml0-l justify-center self-start-l pl0 tl-l tc"><li class="mt2 w-100"><a href="" class="link white no-underline dim" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Gender & Tech</a></li><li class="mt2 w-100"><a href="" class="link white no-underline dim" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Holistic Security</a></li><li class="mt2 w-100"><a href="" class="link white no-underline dim" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Me and My Shadow</a></li><li class="mt2 w-100"><a href="" class="link white no-underline dim" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Security in a Box</a></li><li class="mt2 w-100"><a href="" class="link white no-underline dim" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Visualising Advocacy</a></li><li class="mt2 w-100"><a href="" class="link white no-underline dim" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">XYZ</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><aside class="fixed-l right-0-l top-0-l w-25-l w-100 vh-100-l bg-white scroll-l ba br-d-l bt-d-l br bb-d-l" id="sidebar"><div class="flex flex-column flex-wrap lh-copy"><div class="generika f4 ph3 pt0 pb3 pa3"><p>Tactical Tech is an international NGO that engages with citizens and civil-society organisations to explore and mitigate the impacts of technology on society.</p><div class="bb b--light-silver f5 dim ph0 pv0 mb2 dib ttu generika"><span class="f5">→︎ </span><a href="/about" class="link dim black">More about us</a></div></div><div class="pa3 bt bb"><h2 class="ttu fw4 generika black ma0 lh-title">In The Loop</h2><p>Subscribe to our newsletter In the 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exhibition by Tactical Tech</h3><span class="f3">↗︎</span></a></div></section><section class="bt pa3 news-hov pointer generika flex flex-column items-start"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">Call out</span><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 barlow ph0 pv0 ph1 mt0 mb2">16/08/22</span><div><a href="" class="self-stretch no-underline dim link black" target="_blank"><h3 class="di f3 lh-tight mt0 ttu fw4 generika black ma0">Call for Podcast Producer for our “Exposing the Invisible” project [Short term, part-time]</h3><span class="f3">↗︎</span></a></div></section><section class="bt pa3 news-hov pointer generika flex flex-column items-start"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">Article</span><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 barlow ph0 pv0 ph1 mt0 mb2">16/08/22</span><div><a href="/news/Annual-Report-2021" class="self-stretch no-underline dim link black aaa"><span class="f3">→︎</span><h3 class="di f3 lh-tight mt0 ttu 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Partners] 'Exposing the Invisible' Workshops - Deadline extended to 1 August 2022!</h3><span class="f3">↗︎</span></a></div></section><section class="bt pa3 news-hov pointer generika flex flex-column items-start"><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 mt1 barlow pv0 ph1">Call out</span><span class="dib black bg-yellow-ttc ttu f7 barlow ph0 pv0 ph1 mt0 mb2">28/06/22</span><div><a href="/news/Open-Call-for-a-Volunteer-European-Solidarity-Corps-Programme" class="self-stretch no-underline dim link black aaa"><span class="f3">→︎</span><h3 class="di f3 lh-tight mt0 ttu fw4 generika black ma0">[Open Call for a Volunteer] European Solidarity Corps Programme</h3></a></div></section></div></div></aside><div class="w-100 dn-l bg-black white"><footer class="pb0 pa3 generika"><div class="flex flex-row-l flex-column w-100 justify-center mt0-l mt3 ph4-l"><div class="flex flex-column flex-row-l flex-row-m w-40-m w-60-xl w-100"><div class="w-50-l w-100 pl0 pl4-l pt3-l"><a href="" target="_blank" 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Resolver ASN
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Resolver Network Name
Google LLC
Measurement UID
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-desktop-unattended (3.14.1)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.14.1)

Raw Measurement Data
