Runtime: 2.1s
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On August 19, 2022 at 9:12:34 AM UTC, was accessible when tested on AS36924 in Congo - Brazzaville.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

Answer IP Info
AS13335 (Cloudflare, Inc.)
AS13335 (Cloudflare, Inc.)

TCP Connections succeeded succeeded

HTTP Requests

Response Headers
h3=":443"; ma=86400, h3-29=":443"; ma=86400
frame-ancestors 'self'; upgrade-insecure-requests
text/html; charset=utf-8
Fri, 19 Aug 2022 09:12:35 GMT
max-age=604800, report-uri=""
Response Body
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<script type='text/javascript'>
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    bizx.cmp.ifConsent('', ['all','google-ads'], function(){

<!-- prep GPT ads -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
	function page_type (loc) {
		only four page types:
		- Story
		- Poll
		- Homepage (/ only)
		- Other (but AdOps wants 'Homepage' again)
		var path = loc.pathname;
		var just_the_root = /^\/?$/.test(path);
		var story_or_poll = /^\/(story(?=\/)|submission(?=\/)|poll(?=\/|Booth|s\b))/i.exec(path);

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		return page_type;

	function page_section(loc) {
		//var greek = ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta'].join('|');
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		var pathwise = '^/(?:(recent|popular|blog)|stories/([^/]+))';
		var rootwise = '^\/?$';

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		var rootwisely = new RegExp(rootwise, 'i').exec(loc.pathname);

		var section = (rootwisely && 'homepage')
			|| (pathwisely && (pathwisely[1] || pathwisely[2]))
			|| ''

		return section.replace(/[^_a-z]/ig, '');

	function single_size(size) {
		return '' + size[0] + 'x' + size[1];

	function sz_sz(sz) {
		var str = '';
		var sizes = [];
		if (sz[0] instanceof Array) {
			for (size in sz) {
			return sizes.join(',');
		} else {
			return single_size(sz);

	function unique_tpc_array(array1, array2) {
		var j = array1.concat(array2);
		j.forEach(function (v, i, a) {
			a[i] = v.replace(/[^_a-z]/ig, '');
		return j.filter(function (v, i, a) {
			return v != '' && a.indexOf(v) === i;

		- 'sz' = "size"
		- 'npt' = "no page type" in ad unit name
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	var tag_name_pagetype = page_type(location);
	var tag_topic = page_section(location);
	if (tag_name_pagetype == 'poll') {
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	var before_tag_pagetyped = network_path
		+ tag_name_prefix
		+ tag_name_linkage
		+ tag_name_pagetype
		+ tag_name_linkage
	var before_tag_pagetypeless = network_path
		+ tag_name_prefix
		+ tag_name_linkage
		/* + tag_name_pagetype */
		/* + tag_name_linkage */

		//can be safely called
		googletag.cmd.push(function () {

			function remove_sticky_top() {
				setTimeout(function () {
				}, 1000);

			function remove_sticky_railad() {
				setTimeout(function () {
					$('#slashboxes .adwrap-unviewed').addClass('adwrap-viewed-railad');
				}, 1000);

			function viewable_imp(slot) {
				for (var i in slot) {
					if (typeof slot[i] !== 'string') continue;
					switch (slot[i]) {
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_728x90_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_728x90_A":
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_728x90_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_728x90_Ref_A":
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_300x250_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_300x250_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_300x250_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_300x250_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_300x250_Ref_A":
					//if(slot[i] === "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_728x90_A") remove_sticky_top();
					//if(slot[i] === "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_300x250_A") remove_sticky_railad();

			function define_me_a_slot(tag) {
				if (tags[tag].skip && tags[tag].skip[tag_name_pagetype])
				var sandbox_regex = /\.xb\.sf\.net$/i;
				var full_name = tags[tag].npt  // "no page type"
					? before_tag_pagetypeless + tag
					: before_tag_pagetyped + tag
				var div_id = 'div-gpt-ad-' + tag.toLowerCase();
				// extend jQuery and get URL query params
					getQueryParameters: function (str) {
						return (str ||^\?)/, '').split("&").map(function (n) {
							return n = n.split("="), this[n[0]] = n[1], this

				var queryParams = $.getQueryParameters();

				if (queryParams.source === 'autorefresh') {
					full_name = full_name.replace(/(\d+x\d+)/, '$1_Ref');
					//console.log('TAG NAME: ', full_name);

				var slot = googletag.defineSlot(

				service = slot.addService(googletag.pubads());

				window.SD.Ads.slotsById[div_id] = slot;
				window.SD.Ads.idsByPath[full_name] = div_id;

				service.setTargeting('sz', tags[tag].sz);

				var frontend_tpc = tag_topic.split(",");
				var backend_tpc = [  ];

				var tpc_final = unique_tpc_array(frontend_tpc, backend_tpc);
				service.setTargeting('tpc', tpc_final);
				if (location.hostname.match(sandbox_regex)) {
					service.setTargeting('test', 'adops');


		for (tag in tags) {
			define_me_a_slot(tag, false);

			googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotVisibilityChanged', window.SD.Ads.visibilityChangedTracker);

		googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) {

                googletag.pubads().setTargeting('requestSource', 'GPT');

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/* Ad-Refresh code */
window.SD.Ads.visibilityChangedTracker = function(event) {
	var id = event.slot.getSlotElementId();
	if (!window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
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			visible: false,
			prevVisibleTotal: 0,
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			reloadCount: 0
	var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
	if (event.inViewPercentage >= 50 && !document.hidden) {
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	} else {
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			timeinfo.visible = false;

window.SD.Ads.setupAdRefresh = function() {
	document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function () {
		for (var id in window.SD.Ads.visibleTime) {
			if (window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
				var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
				if (document.hidden) {
					timeinfo.wasVisibleBeforePageBgd = !!timeinfo.visible;
					if (timeinfo.visible) {
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						timeinfo.visible = false;
				} else if (!document.hidden && timeinfo.wasVisibleBeforePageBgd) {
					timeinfo.visible =;
	}, false);

	// after 30 sec, start checking every second for reload
	var LIMIT_MS = 30000;
	setTimeout(function () {
		setInterval(function () {
			if (document.hidden) {
			for (var id in window.SD.Ads.visibleTime) {
				if (window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
					var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
					if (timeinfo.visible &&
						timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal + ( - timeinfo.visible) >= LIMIT_MS &&
						timeinfo.reloadCount < 50
					) {
						timeinfo.visible = false;
						timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal = 0;
		}, 1000);
	}, LIMIT_MS);

window.SD.Ads.Helpers.refreshBids = function (reloadIds) {
		console.log('AD REFRESH: refreshBids', reloadIds);
		pbjs.que.push(function () {
			for (var i = reloadIds.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
				var id = reloadIds[i];
				// clear out winner status from earlier auctions
				if (bizxPrebid.Ads.prebidWinners[id]) {
					delete bizxPrebid.Ads.prebidWinners[id];
				// if has complement (hubicon), remove it since they are just house ads and can cause funky layouts if this leaderboard is refreshed to a different size
				var path = window.SD.Ads.slotsById[id].getAdUnitPath();
				/*var complement = gptadComplements[path];
				if (complement) {
					var complement_shortname = complement[0];
					var complement_path = "/41014381/SD/" + complement_shortname;
					var slot = window.SD.Ads.slotsById[window.SD.Ads.idsByPath[complement_path]];
					if (slot) {
						var $wrappedAd = $(window.SD.Ads.Helpers.getContainerIDFromPath(complement_path));
						delete gptadComplements[path];


				timeout: window.bizxPrebid.PREBID_TIMEOUT,
				adUnitCodes: reloadIds,
				bidsBackHandler: function () {
					var reloadSlots = { return window.SD.Ads.slotsById[id]; });

					// clear out previous sizing attrs, as they may change after refresh
					for (var i = 0; i < reloadSlots.length; i++) {
						var $wrappedAd = $(window.SD.Ads.Helpers.getContainerIDFromPath(reloadSlots[i].getAdUnitPath()));
						var classes = $wrappedAd.attr('class').split(' ');
						for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) {
							if (classes[j].indexOf('sz_') >= 0) {

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$('#more-experiment a').
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		<span id="title-165392117" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Europe Is Seriously Considering a Major Investment In Space-Based Solar Power</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				Europe is <a href="">seriously considering developing space-based solar power</a> to increase its energy independence and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the leader of the European Space Agency said this week. Ars Technica reports: <i> "It will be up to Europe, ESA and its Member States to push the envelope of technology to solve one of the most pressing problems for people on Earth of this generation," <a href="">said</a> Josef Aschbacher, director general of the space agency, an intergovernmental organization of 22 member states. Previously the space agency commissioned studies from consulting groups based in the United Kingdom and Germany to assess the costs and benefits of developing space-based solar power. ESA published those studies this week in order to provide technical and programmatic information to policymakers in Europe. Aschbacher has been working to build support within Europe for solar energy from space as a key to energy de-carbonization and will present his Solaris Program to the ESA Council in November. This council sets priorities and funding for ESA. Under Aschbacher's plans, development of the solar power system would begin in 2025.
<br> <br>
In concept, space-based solar power is fairly straightforward. Satellites orbiting well above Earth's atmosphere collect solar energy and convert it into current; this energy is then beamed back to Earth via microwaves, where they are captured by photovoltaic cells or antennas and converted into electricity for residential or industrial use. The primary benefits of gathering solar power from space, rather than on the ground, is that there is no night or clouds to interfere with collection; and the solar incidence is much higher than at the northern latitudes of the European continent.
<br> <br>
The two consulting reports discuss development of the technologies and funding needed to start to bring a space-based power system online. Europe presently consumes about 3,000 TWh of electricity on an annual basis, and the reports describe massive facilities in geostationary orbit that could meet about one-quarter to one-third of that demand. Development and deployment of these systems would cost hundreds of billions of euros. Why so much? Because facilitating space-based solar power would require a constellation of dozens of huge, sunlight-gathering satellites located 36,000 km from Earth. Each of these satellites would have a mass 10 times larger, or more, than that of the International Space Station, which is 450 metric tons and required more than a decade to assemble in low Earth orbit. Launching the components of these satellites would ultimately require hundreds or, more likely, thousands of launches by heavy lift rockets.  "Using projected near-term space lift capability, such as SpaceX's Starship, and current launch constraints, delivering one satellite into orbit would take between 4 and 6 years," a report by British firm Frazer-Nash states. "Providing the number of satellites to satisfy the maximum contribution that SBSP could make to the energy mix in 2050 would require a 200-fold increase over current space-lift capacity." </i>
Critics of the concept include <a href="">Elon Musk</a> and <a href="">physicist Casey Handmer</a>, among others, which take issue with the poor photon to electron to photon conversion efficiency and prohibitively expensive transmission losses, thermal losses, and logistics costs.<br>



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		<span id="title-165391657" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Forever Chemicals No More? PFAS Are Destroyed With New Technique</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from the New York Times: <i>A team of scientists has <a href="">found a cheap, effective way to destroy so-called forever chemicals</a>, a group of compounds that pose a global threat to human health. The chemicals -- known as PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances -- are found in a spectrum of products and contaminate water and soil around the world. Left on their own, they are remarkably durable, remaining dangerous for generations. Scientists have been searching for ways to destroy them for years. In a study, <a href=";_ga=2.228389917.183627334.1660532753-1917198022.1509206891">published Thursday in the journal Science</a>, a team of researchers rendered PFAS molecules harmless by mixing them with two inexpensive compounds at a low boil. In a matter of hours, the PFAS molecules fell apart. The new technique might provide a way to destroy PFAS chemicals once they've been pulled out of contaminated water or soil. But William Dichtel, a chemist at Northwestern University and a co-author of the study, said that a lot of effort lay ahead to make it work outside the confines of a lab. "Then we'd be in a real position to talk practicality," he said.
<br> <br>
At the end of a PFAS molecule's carbon-fluorine chain, it is capped by a cluster of other atoms. Many types of PFAS molecules have heads made of a carbon atom connected to a pair of oxygen atoms, for example. Dr. Dichtel came across <a href="">a study</a> in which chemists at the University of Alberta found an easy way to pry carbon-oxygen heads off other chains. He suggested to his graduate student, Brittany Trang, that she give it a try on PFAS molecules. Dr. Trang was skeptical. She had tried to pry off carbon-oxygen heads from PFAS molecules for months without any luck. According to the Alberta recipe, all she'd need to do was mix PFAS with a common solvent called dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO, and bring it to a boil. "I didn't want to try it initially because I thought it was too simple," Dr. Trang said. "If this happens, people would have known this already." An older grad student advised her to give it a shot. To her surprise, the carbon-oxygen head fell off. It appears that DMSO makes the head fragile by altering the electric field around the PFAS molecule, and without the head, the bonds between the carbon atoms and the fluorine atoms become weak as well. "This oddly simple method worked," said Dr. Trang, who finished her Ph.D. last month and is now a journalist.
<br> <br>
Unfortunately, Dr. Trang discovered how well DMSO worked in March 2020 and was promptly shut out of the lab by the pandemic. She spent the next two and a half months dreaming of other ingredients which she could add to the DMSO soup to hasten the destruction of PFAS chemicals. On Dr. Trang's return, she started testing a number of chemicals until she found one that worked. It was sodium hydroxide, the chemical in lye. When she heated the mixture to temperatures between about 175 degrees to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, most of the PFAS molecules broke down in a matter of hours. Within days, the remaining fluorine-bearing byproducts broke down into harmless molecules as well. Dr. Trang and Dr. Dichtel teamed up with other chemists at U.C.L.A. and in China to figure out what was happening. The sodium hydroxide hastens the destruction of the PFAS molecules by eagerly bonding with the fragments as they fall apart. The fluorine atoms lose their link to the carbon atoms, becoming harmless. [...] Dr. Dichtel and his colleagues are now investigating how to scale up their method to handle large amounts of PFAS chemicals. They're also looking at other types of PFAS molecules with different heads to see if they can pry those off as well.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165391453" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Snap May Be a Camera Company, But Only Its Software Sells</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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			 from the <span class="dept-text">hardware-is-hard</span> dept.

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				After just four months, Snapchat is <a href="">sunsetting future development on its easy-to-use "Pixy" drone</a>, "seemingly in part of a broader effort to cut costs after the company's second-quarter earnings," reports Input Mag. <a href="">The Wall Street Journal</a> was first to break the news. From the report: <i> Snap isn't alone in suffering under the current economic downturn -- or the long-term effect Apple's App Tracking Transparency has had on the mobile advertising business -- but its struggles with hardware are somewhat unique. Whether it's the <a href="">Spectacles camera glasses</a> or now the Pixy, Snap's experimental hardware hasn't really caught on in the same way other new hardware has. [Snap CEO Evan Spiegel] was the first to tease possible future Pixys (Pixies?) in <a href="">an interview with The Verge</a>, noting that Snap even underestimated how many people would want to buy the first version. "Maybe we would make more with version two if people love the original product," Spiegel explained. After the relative failure of the Spectacles from a sales perspective, the Pixy seemed like a corrective product people would be more interested in. "After a couple versions of camera glasses, it just becomes very clear that the market for camera glasses is actually very small and constrained to people who want that first person POV," Spiegel told The Verge. "I think the market for Pixy is bigger."
<br> <br>
Snap software continuing to succeed while its hardware struggles puts the company in an odd position. Learning through making hardware, and ideally selling that hardware for a profit, is a big part of its push for an augmented reality future. But if no one's buying it, or it's too expensive to develop in the first place, that's kind of a problem. Snap thinks of itself as a camera company. That might have seemed premature when it was only developing an app, but it's since backed that up with experimental toys, and plenty of exciting acquisitions. It's ironic then, that it maybe got it right the first time. If Google's proved anything with its Pixel phones, it's that the most important camera you own is the software that processes your photos, not the physical hardware itself. For the immediate future, software is working for Snap, and it seems like that's what it's going to be selling. </i><br>



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		<span id="title-165391243" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Dodge's Electric Charger SRT Concept Has Fake V8 Noise, Exhausts</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				"Dodge has given its electric Charger Daytona SRT Concept a set of fake exhausts and <a href="">one of the loudest artificial V8 noises we've ever heard</a>," writes Harry Waring via CarThrottle. From the report: <i> The car features some interestingly named components that make it stand out from the rest of the EV crowd, such as the "Rupt" simulated multispeed transmission and a "Fratzonic" chambered 'exhaust' which emits a 125 dB "Dark Matter" noise (yes, we're serious). According to Dodge, the battery-powered machine is supposedly as loud as a Hellcat with its supercharged Hemi V8. The unusual names continue with the 800V "Banshee" propulsion system, which delivers power to the car's 21-inch wheels. We're yet to hear about official performance figures, but stopping power will be provided by six-piston brake callipers. The 'Fratzog' logo sits on the car's front and rear ends, previously used on vehicles produced by Dodge between 1962 and 1976, now representing the brand's electrified future. </i> You can watch (and hear) it in action <a href=";v=04aC16jXJng&amp;feature=emb_title">here</a>.<br>



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		<span id="title-165391157" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">A Tool That Monitors How Long Kids Are In the Bathroom Is Now In 1,000 American Schools</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				<a href="">e-HallPass</a>, a digital system that students have to use to request to leave their classroom and which takes note of how long they've been away, including to visit the bathroom, <a href="">has spread into at least a thousand schools around the United States</a>. Motherboard reports: <i> On Monday, a since deleted tweet went viral in which someone claimed that their school was preparing to introduce e-HallPass, and described it as "the program where we track how long, at what time, and how often each child goes to the restroom and store that information on third party servers run by a private for-profit company." Motherboard then identified multiple schools across the U.S. that appear to use the technology by searching the web for instruction manuals, announcements, and similar documents from schools that mentioned the technology. Those results included K-12 schools such as Franklin Regional Middle School, Fargo Public Schools, River City High School, Loyalsock Township School District, and Cabarrus County Schools. Also schools Motherboard found that appear to use e-HallPass include Mehlville High School, Eagle County School District, Hopatcong Borough Schools, and Pope Francis Preparatory School. These schools are spread across the country, with some in California, New York, Virginia, and North Carolina. Eduspire, the company that makes e-HallPass, <a href="">told trade publication EdSurge</a> in March that 1,000 schools use the system. Brian Tvenstrup, president of Eduspire, told the outlet that the company's biggest obstacle to selling the product "is when a school isn't culturally ready to make these kinds of changes yet."
<br> <br>
The system itself works as a piece of software installed on a computer or mobile device. Students request a pass through the software and the teacher then approves it. The tool promises "hall omniscience" with the ability to "always know who has a pass and who doesn't (without asking the student!)," according to the product's website. Admins can then access data collected through the software, and view a live dashboard showing details on all passes. e-HallPass can also stop meet-ups of certain students and limit the amount of passes going to certain locations, the website adds, explicitly mentioning  "vandalism and TikTok challenges." Many of the schools Motherboard identified appear to use e-HallPass specifically on Chromebooks, according to student user guides and similar documents hosted on the schools' websites, though it also advertises that it can be used to <a href="">track students on their personal cell phones</a>.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165391001" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Buttons Beat Touchscreens In Cars, and Now There's Data To Prove It</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: <i>[Swedish car publication Vi Bilagare] <a href="">tested 11 new cars</a> alongside a 2005 Volvo C70, timing how long it took to perform a list of tasks in each car. These included turning on the seat heater, increasing the cabin temperature, turning on the defroster, adjusting the radio, resetting the trip computer, turning off the screen, and dimming the instruments. The old Volvo was the clear winner. "The four tasks is handled within ten seconds flat, during which the car is driven 306 meters at 110 km/h [1,004 feet at 68 mph]," VB found. Most of the other cars <a href="">required twice as long, or more, to complete the same tasks</a>. VB says that "one important aspect of this test is that the drivers had time to get to know the cars and their infotainment systems before the test started." VB lays the blame for the shift from buttons to screens with designers who "want a 'clean' interior with minimal switchgear."
<br> <br>
Even with touchscreens, though, we can see in the spread of scores VB gave to different all-touch cars that design matters.  You'll find almost no buttons in a Tesla Model 3, and we called out the lack of buttons in the Subaru Outback in our review, but both performed quite well in VB's tests. And VW's use of capacitive touch (versus physical) for the controls on the center stack appears to be exactly the wrong decision in terms of usability, with the ID.3 right at the bottom of the pack in VB's scores. I'm not surprised that the BMW iX scored well; although it has a touchscreen, you're not obligated to use it. BMW's rotary iDrive controller falls naturally to hand, and there are permanent controls arrayed around it under a sliver of wood that both looks and feels interesting. It's an early implementation of what the company calls shy tech, and it's a design trend I am very much looking forward to seeing evolve in the future.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165390927" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Google Will Roll Out New Updates To Reduce Low-Quality, Unoriginal Content In Search Results</a></span>

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				Google <a href="">announced</a> today that it's rolling out new Search updates over the next few weeks that will aim to <a href="">make it easier for people to find high-quality content</a>. TechCrunch reports: <i> The new ranking improvements will work to reduce the amount of low-quality or unoriginal content that ranks high in search results. Google says that the update will especially target content that has been created primarily for ranking on search engines, known as "SEO-first" content, rather than human-first content. The company's tests have shown that the update will improve the results users find when searching for content like online educational materials, as well as arts and entertainment, shopping and tech-related content.
<br> <br>
The new updates should help reduce the number of low-quality results from websites that have learned to game the system with content that is optimized to rank high in search results. Google says users should start to see content that is actually useful rank more prominently in search results. The company plans to refine its systems and build on these improvements over time. </i> "If you search for information about a new movie, you might have previously encountered articles that aggregated reviews from other sites without adding perspectives beyond what's available elsewhere on the web," the company explained in a blog post. "This isn't very helpful if you're expecting to read something new. With this update, you'll see more results with unique information, so you're more likely to read something you haven't seen before."



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		<span id="title-165390863" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Vietnam To Make Apple Watch, MacBook For First Time Ever</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				Apple is in talks to <a href="">make Apple Watches and MacBooks in Vietnam for the first time</a>, marking a further win for the Southeast Asian country as the U.S. tech giant looks to diversify production away from China. Nikkei Asia reports: <i> Vietnam is already Apple's most important production hub outside of China, producing a wide range of flagship products for the American company, including iPad tablets and AirPods earphones. The Apple Watch is even more sophisticated, according to industry experts, who say that squeezing so many components into such a small case requires a high degree of technological skill. Producing the device would be a win for Vietnam as the country attempts to further upgrade its tech manufacturing sector.
<br> <br>
Apple has also continued to shift iPad production to Vietnam after COVID-related lockdowns in Shanghai caused massive supply chain disruptions. BYD of China was the first to assist with this shift, though sources told Nikkei Asia that Foxconn, too, is now helping build more iPads in the Southeast Asian nation. Apple is also in talks with suppliers to build test production lines for its HomePod smart speakers in Vietnam, the people said. On the MacBook front, Apple has asked suppliers to set up a test production line in Vietnam, two sources said. However, progress in moving mass production to the country has been slow, partly due to pandemic-related disruptions but also because notebook computer production involves a larger supply chain, multiple sources said. That network is currently centered on China and very cost-competitive, they added. </i>
<b>Further reading:</b> <a href="">Apple Targets September 7 for iPhone 14 Launch in Flurry of New Devices</a><br>



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		<span id="title-165390711" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Def Con Banned a Social Engineering Star - Now He's Suing</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				Several readers have shared this report:<i> In February, when the Def Con hacker conference released its annual transparency report, the public learned that one of the most prominent figures in the field of social engineering had been permanently banned from attending. For years, Chris Hadnagy had enjoyed a high-profile role as the leader of the conference's social engineering village. But Def Con's transparency report stated that there had been multiple reports of him violating the conference's code of conduct. In response, Def Con banned Hadnagy from the conference for life; in 2022, the social engineering village would be run by an entirely new team. Now, Hadnagy has <a href="">filed a lawsuit against the conference</a> alleging defamation and infringement of contractual relations. The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on August 3rd and names Hadnagy as the plaintiff, with Def Con Communications and the conference founder, Jeff Moss, also known as "The Dark Tangent," as defendants. Moss was reportedly served papers in Las Vegas while coordinating the conference this year.<br> <br>

There are few public details about the incidents that caused Hadnagy's ban, as is common in harassment cases. In the transparency report announcing the permanent ban, Def Con organizers were deliberately vague about the reported behavior. "After conversations with the reporting parties and Chris, we are confident the severity of the transgressions merits a ban from DEF CON," organizers wrote in their post-conference transparency report following the previous year's conference. Def Con's Code of Conduct is minimal, focusing almost entirely on a "no-harassment" policy. "Harassment includes deliberate intimidation and targeting individuals in a manner that makes them feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or afraid," the text reads. "Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. We reserve the right to respond to harassment in the manner we deem appropriate."</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165390703" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Old Laptop Hard Drives Will Allegedly Crash When Exposed To Janet Jackson Music</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165390703" datetime="on Thursday August 18, 2022 @05:20PM">on Thursday August 18, 2022 @05:20PM</time>
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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: <i>It sounds like something out of an urban legend: Some Windows XP-era laptops using 5400 RPM spinning hard drives can allegedly be <a href="">forced to crash when exposed to Janet Jackson's 1989 hit "Rhythm Nation</a>." But Microsoft Software Engineer Raymond Chen stands by the story in a <a href="">blog post</a> published earlier this week, and the vulnerability has been <a href="">issued</a> an official CVE ID by The Mitre Corporation, lending it more credibility. According to Chen, CVE-2022-38392 was originally discovered by "a major computer manufacturer," and it can affect not just the laptop playing the song but adjacent laptops from other PC companies as well.
<br> <br>
The specific hard drive model at issue -- again from an unnamed manufacturer -- would crash because "Rhythm Nation" used some of the same "natural resonant frequencies" that the drives used, interfering with their operation. Anyone trying to independently recreate this problem will face several obstacles, including the age of the laptops involved and a total lack of specificity about the hard drives or computer models. The CVE entry mentions "a certain 5400 RPM OEM hard drive, as shipped with laptop PCs in approximately 2005" and links back to Chen's post as a primary source. And while some Windows XP-era laptop hard drives may still be kicking out there somewhere, after almost two decades, it's more likely that most of them have died of natural causes.</i> The PC manufacturer was able to partially resolve the issue "by adding a custom filter in the audio pipeline that detected and removed the offending frequencies during audio playbanck," says Chen. However, these HDDs would still crash if they were exposed to another device that was playing the song.<br>



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		<span id="title-165390575" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">The James Webb Space Telescope Runs JavaScript, Apparently</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				It turns out that JavaScript <a href="">had a hand</a> in delivering the stunning images that the James Webb Space Telescope has been <a href="">beaming back to Earth</a>. From a report:<i> I mean that the actual telescope, arguably one of humanity's finest scientific achievements, is largely controlled by JavaScript files. Oh, and it's based on a software development kit from 2002. According to <a href="">a manuscript</a> (PDF) for the JWST's Integrated Science Instrument Module (or ISIM), the software for the ISIM is controlled by "the Script Processor Task (SP), which runs scripts written in JavaScript upon receiving a command to do so." The actual code in charge of turning those JavaScripts (NASA's phrasing, not mine) into actions can run 10 of them at once.<br> <br>

The manuscript and <a href="">the paper</a> (PDF) "JWST: Maximizing efficiency and minimizing ground systems," written by the Space Telescope Science Institute's Ilana Dashevsky and Vicki Balzano, describe this process in great detail, but I'll oversimplify a bit to save you the pages of reading. The JWST has a bunch of these pre-written scripts for doing specific tasks, and scientists on the ground can tell it to run those tasks. When they do, those JavaScripts will be interpreted by a program called the script processor, which will then reach out to the other applications and systems that it needs to based on what the script calls for. The JWST isn't running a web browser where JavaScript directly controls the Mid-Infrared Instrument -- it's more like when a manager is given a list of tasks (in this example, the JavaScripts) to do and delegates them out to their team.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165390493" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Qualcomm Is Plotting a Return To Server Market With New Chip</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165390493" datetime="on Thursday August 18, 2022 @04:02PM">on Thursday August 18, 2022 @04:02PM</time>
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				Qualcomm is taking another run at the market for server processors, <em>Bloomberg News</em> reported Thursday, citing people familiar with its plans, betting it can tap a fast-growing industry and decrease its reliance on smartphones. From a report:<i> The company is <a href="">seeking customers for a product</a> stemming from last year's purchase of chip startup Nuvia, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the discussions are private. AWS business, one of the biggest server chip buyers, has agreed to take a look at Qualcomm's offerings, they said. Chief Executive Officer Cristiano Amon is trying to turn Qualcomm into a broader provider of semiconductors, rather than just the top maker of smartphone chips. But an earlier push into the server market was abandoned four years ago under his predecessor. At the time, the company was trying to cut costs and placate investors after fending off a hostile takeover by Broadcom.<br> <br>

This time around, Qualcomm has Nuvia, staffed with chip designers from companies such as Apple. Amon, who acquired the business for about $1.4 billion in 2021, has said that its work will help revitalize Qualcomm's high-end offerings for smartphones. But Nuvia was founded as a provider of technology for the server industry. The market for cloud computing infrastructure -- the kind of equipment that Amazon, Google and Microsoft use to whisk data around the world -- generated $73.9 billion last year, according to research firm IDC. That was up 8.8% from 2020.  The owners of giant cloud data centers have long relied on Intel's chip technology for their servers. But they're increasingly embracing processors that use designs from Arm, a key partner in phone chips for San Diego-based Qualcomm.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165390447" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Scientists Discover How Mosquitoes Can 'Sniff Out' Humans</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				Whether you opt for repellant, long sleeves or citronella coils, the dreaded drone of a mosquito always seems to find its way back to you. Now researchers say they have found the mechanism behind the insect's <a href="">ability to home in on humans</a>. From a report:<i> Humans give off a fragrant cocktail of body odour, heat and carbon dioxide, which varies from person to person and mosquitoes use to locate their next meal. While most animals have a specific set of neurons that detect each type of odour, mosquitoes can pick up on smells via several different pathways, suggests the study, which is <a href="">published in the science journal Cell</a>. "We found that there's a real difference in the way mosquitoes encode the odours that they encounter compared to what we've learned from other animals," said Meg Younger, an assistant professor of biology at Boston University and one of the lead authors of the study. Researchers at the Rockefeller University, in New York, were baffled when mosquitoes were somehow still able to find people to bite after having an entire family of human odour-sensing proteins removed from their genome. The team then examined odour receptors in the antennae of mosquitoes, which bind to chemicals floating around in the environment and signal to the brain via neurons.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165389779" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Where Did the Pandemic Start? Anywhere But Here, Chinese Scientists Argue</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165389779" datetime="on Thursday August 18, 2022 @02:40PM">on Thursday August 18, 2022 @02:40PM</time>
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				<a href="/~sciencehabit">sciencehabit</a> writes: <i>  From the start of the pandemic, the Chinese government -- like many foreign researchers -- has vigorously rejected the idea that SARS-CoV-2 somehow originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and escaped. But over the past 2 years, it has also <a href="">started to push back against what many regard as the only plausible alternative scenario</a>: The pandemic started in China with a virus that naturally jumped from bats to an "intermediate" species and then to humans -- most likely at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. Beijing was open to the idea at first. But today it points to myriad ways SARS-CoV-2 could have arrived in Wuhan from abroad, borne by contaminated frozen food or infected foreigners -- perhaps at the Military World Games in Wuhan, in October 2019 -- or released accidentally by a U.S. military lab located more than 12,000 kilometers from Wuhan. Its goal is to avoid being blamed for the pandemic in any way, says Filippa Lentzos, a sociologist at King's College London who studies biological threats and health security. "China just doesn't want to look bad," she says. "They need to maintain an image of control and competence. And that is what goes through everything they do."<br> <br>

The idea of a pandemic origin outside China is preposterous to many scientists, regardless of their position on whether the virus started with a lab leak or a natural jump from animals. There's simply no way SARS-CoV-2 could have come from some foreign place to Wuhan and triggered an explosive outbreak there without first racing through humans at the site of its origin. "The idea that the pandemic didn't originate in China is inconsistent with so many other things," says Jesse Bloom, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center who has argued for more intensive studies of the WIV lab accident scenario. "When you eliminate the absurd, it's Wuhan," says virologist Gregory Towers of University College London, who leans toward a natural origin. Yet Chinese researchers have published a flurry of papers supporting their government's "anywhere-but-here" position. Multiple studies report finding no signs of SARS-CoV-2 related viruses or antibodies in bats and other wild and captive animals in China. Others offer clues that the virus hitched a ride to China on imported food or its packaging. On the flip side, Chinese researchers are not pursuing -- or at least not publishing -- obvious efforts to trace the sources of the mammals sold at the Huanan market, which could yield clues to the virus' origins.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165387215" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//"> Laid Off 260 Employees - Then Quietly Let Go of Hundreds More</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				In June, cryptocurrency exchange announced it was laying off around 260 employees, or 5 percent of its workforce, due to the widespread downturn in the crypto market. But <a href="">layoffs did not end there</a>. From a report:<i> Sources in and outside the firm tell The Verge that the company has quietly let go of hundreds more employees since the initial layoffs. These new layoffs have not been publicized, and it's difficult to estimate their exact number. has been trying to limit knowledge of the extent of these departures even within the company, with CEO Kris Marszalek refusing to answer a question about the total figure in a recent employees-only town hall meeting. All this suggests that -- one of the most visible players in the crypto market, with a Super Bowl ad starring LeBron James and its own named stadium, formerly LA's Staples Center -- might be under greater financial stress than publicly known.<br> <br>

"We were assured the layoffs would impact 5 percent, 260 employees only," one source with close knowledge of the situation told The Verge. "People in the company recently noticed many employees disappearing from our internal slack or scheduled meetings. Due to the lack of internal transparency, one can only estimate the extent of this layoff round: we increased our staff by ~50 percent since 2021, and almost all of them were hired to fuel growth. Now it seems these additional ~1,300 staff are viewed as costs to be reduced, in order to save the business," the source continued. </i><br>



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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
GVA Cote d'Ivoire SAS
Measurement UID
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-android-unattended (3.7.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.15.2)

Raw Measurement Data
