August 19, 2022 at 7:19:45 AM UTC
Runtime: 3.1s
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On August 19, 2022 at 7:19:45 AM UTC, was accessible when tested on AS59340 in Bangladesh.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

Answer IP Info
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
Answer IP Info
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)

TCP Connections

2600:1413:b000:d::6011:600c:80: failed (network_unreachable)
2600:1413:b000:d::6011:6012:80: failed (network_unreachable) succeeded succeeded

HTTP Requests

Response Headers
private, max-age=604800
text/html; charset=UTF-8
Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:19:45 GMT
X-Mapping-fjhppofk=3649DF9C69392B898DFB3F8055769CD5; path=/
Response Body
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                <h1>Trusted Online Casino - Europa Casino with You Everywhere You Go</h1>
                <p class="img"><img
                            src="/offers/assets/images/web/268f5bd5259a1__seo_1.png"/>Europa Casino, a trusted <a href="//">online casino</a>, has always been THE place to find top-tier online casino games. Now, you can take all of that casino gaming fun with you everywhere - play flash casino games at home or on your mobile device. Europa Casino Mobile allows you to play and win wherever you are; whether it’s relaxing in bed, traveling on a crowded train, or waiting in line somewhere. For the best online gambling experience, we recommend trying Europa Casino’s Live Dealer Games and interactive TV Games, which bring all the fun and exhilaration of land-based casino gaming right to your screen. Plus the fact that our TV presenters and <a href="casino?cat=Live Dealers">live casino dealers</a> happen to be smoking hot doesn’t hurt either!                </p>
                <h1>400+ Exciting Games</h1>
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                    There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of online casino games for players to enjoy at Europa Casino. Whether it’s the classics like <a href="//">online roulette</a> games such as 3D roulette, <a href="//">online blackjack</a>, slots, video poker, or craps, or alternatively more unique gaming choices like Asian Games, arcade games, and online keno players are guaranteed a sophisticated online gambling experience. Some of our most popular titles include <a href="//">slot casino games</a> like Kong – The 8th Wonder of the World ™, Pink Panther and more. Each of these features legendary entertainment characters and thrilling bonus rounds that make for a truly unforgettable online casino gambling experience, at one of the most trusted online casinos around.</p>
                <h1>Promotional Offers and Incentives</h1>
                <p class="img"><img
                            src="/offers/assets/images/web/18c81fd2175fd__seo_3.png"/> The fun starts right away at Europa Casino, as first-time depositors are entitled to a $2,400 welcome bonus. The welcome package itself is broken down into weekly and monthly bonus installments, which ensures that players will have a rewarding online casino experience for quite a while. On top of that, we’ve got a number of additional <a href="//">casino promotional offers</a> available throughout the calendar year as well as special discounts for depositing funds with select online payment methods. With well over a dozen progressive jackpots such as Gladiator slots and Jackpot Giant slots on offer that have cumulative totals that regularly climb into the millions, your dreams of instant wealth have an excellent chance of materializing at Europa Casino!                </p>
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                    As a most trusted online casino, Europa Casino’s support is available 06:00 am - 00:00 am GMT, 7 days a week.</p>
                <p class="phone">International:                    <span>+35-924-008-916</span></p>
                <h1>Real Money Casino</h1>
                <p class="img"><img
                            src="/offers/assets/images/web/35f8210adca3d__supprt_2_0.png"/>Playing for fun is, well, fun – but it’s playing real money casino games are just that much more fun and rewarding. It gives you more betting options to win money. Even better – gambling at real money casinos online gives you better odds, they’re trusted casinos, as they don’t have anywhere near the same running expenses as land casinos do.  Better still – you don’t even have to get dressed and go anywhere to win money!                </p>
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                <p>Europa Casino is a brand operated by Universe Entertainment Services Malta Limited (C-60452). Universe Entertainment Services Malta Limited is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority. Europa Casino holds through Universe Entertainment Services Malta Limited the following license: MGA/B2C/249/2013 (issued: August 1st, 2018).</p>
                <p>Registered Address: Universe Entertainment Services Malta Limited, Level 3, Valletta Buildings, South Street, Valletta, VLT1103. Malta</p>
                <p>Gambling can be addictive. Play responsibly.</p>
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With well over a dozen progressive jackpots such as Gladiator slots and Jackpot Giant slots on offer that have cumulative totals that regularly climb into the millions, your dreams of instant wealth have an excellent chance of materializing at Europa Casino!","seo_paragraph_3_title":"Promotional Offers and Incentives","seo_sidebar_button_greeting":"Get your lucky streak started today!","seo_sidebar_button_link":"\/\/\/register","seo_sidebar_button_text":"JOIN NOW","seo_sidebar_paragraph_1_image":"\/offers\/assets\/images\/web\/a347af01e362__support_1.png","seo_sidebar_paragraph_1_phone":"+35-924-008-916","seo_sidebar_paragraph_1_phone_text":"International:","seo_sidebar_paragraph_1_text":"As a most trusted online casino, Europa Casino\u2019s support is available 06:00 am - 00:00 am GMT, 7 days a week.","seo_sidebar_paragraph_1_title":"<a href=\"\/\/\/help\">24\/7 Support<\/a>","seo_sidebar_paragraph_2_image":"\/offers\/assets\/images\/web\/35f8210adca3d__supprt_2_0.png","seo_sidebar_paragraph_2_text":"Playing for fun is, well, fun \u2013 but it\u2019s playing real money casino games are just that much more fun and rewarding. It gives you more betting options to win money. Even better \u2013 gambling at real money casinos online gives you better odds, they\u2019re trusted casinos, as they don\u2019t have anywhere near the same running expenses as land casinos do.  Better still \u2013 you don\u2019t even have to get dressed and go anywhere to win money!","seo_sidebar_paragraph_2_title":"Real Money Casino","steps_co_mobile":"\/\/\/offers\/offers\/assets\/images\/mobile\/co\/steps_en.png","steps_co_web":"\/\/\/offers\/offers\/assets\/images\/web\/co\/steps_en.png","stnetent":"New customers only. Bonus can\u2019t be withdrawn and is valid for 7 days. 100 Free spins must be wagering X40. Max win \u20ac300.","support_line":"24\/7 customer support","top_login":"Login","upto":"up to","up_to":"up to","welcome_bonus":"Welcome Bonus","winners":"Winners","winners_line":"1000+ of winners every month!"};

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