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// DrugSense Drug War Clock
var timerID = null;
var timerRunning = false;
var tbusts = 1663582; // Arrests
var tcbusts = 858408; // Cannabis Arrests
var tfspent = 15069100000; // Federal spent
var tsspent = 25684407000; // State and local spent
var ttspent = tfspent+tsspent
var tprison = 10816; // Incarcerated
var total = 0;
function stopclock(){
 if(timerRunning) {
  timerRunning = false;
function startclock(){
 // Make sure the clock is stopped
function separate(input) {
 var output = ""; // initialise output string
  for (var i=0; i < input.length; i++) {
   if (i != 0 && (input.length - i) % 3 == 0) output += ",";
   output += input.charAt(i);
 return output;
function calc(total,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds) {
 var num = 0;
 num = month * (total/12);
 num = num + (day * (total/365));
 num = num + (hours * (total/365/24));
 num = num + (minutes * (total/365/24/60));
 num = "" + Math.ceil(num + (seconds * total/365/24/60/60));
 return num;
function showtime(){
 var now = new Date();
 var today = now;
 var month = now.getMonth();
 var day = now.getDate();
 var hours = now.getHours();
 var minutes = now.getMinutes();
 var seconds = now.getSeconds();
 var timeValue = "" + ((hours > 12) ? hours - 12 : hours);
 timeValue  += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes;
 timeValue  += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds;
 timeValue  += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M.";
 var fspent = calc(tfspent,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds);
 fspent = separate(fspent);
 fspent = "$" + fspent;
 var sspent = calc(tsspent,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds);
 sspent = separate(sspent);
 sspent = "$" + sspent;
 var tspent = calc(ttspent,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds);
 tspent = separate(tspent);
 tspent = "$" + tspent;
 var busts = calc(tbusts,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds);
 busts = separate(busts);
 var cbusts = calc(tcbusts,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds);
 cbusts = separate(cbusts);
 var prison = calc(tprison,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds);
 prison = separate(prison);
 document.clock.face.value = timeValue;
 document.clock.fspent.value = fspent;
 document.clock.sspent.value = sspent;
 document.clock.tspent.value = tspent;
 document.clock.busts.value = busts;
 timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000)
 timerRunning = true

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This is a web portal for DrugSense - <a href="" target="_blank">Media Awareness Project </a>(MAP)  - <a href="" target="_blank">Drug Policy Central</a> (DPC)
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<a href="/cms/donate"><img src="/pix/donate_now.png" alt="Donate Now!" width="170" height="150" border="0" align="left" hspace="20" /></a>DrugSense is an award winning (501)(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in 1995 to inform citizens and encourage involvement in drug policy reform.
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 It has developed a number of projects and services that have become a foundation for drug policy reform. The <a href="">Media Awareness Project (MAP) Drug News Archive</a> encourages unbiased media coverage,  online media activism and a drug policy research tool.

 <a href="">Drug Policy Central's Web-based services</a> provides subsidized technical services for drug policy organizations organization to empower their members to organize and share information and resources.
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<tr><td>Time</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input class="wodclock_form" type="text" name="face" size="15" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Federal</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input class="wodclock_form" type="text" name="fspent" size="15" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>State</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input type="text" class="wodclock_form" name="sspent" size="15" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Total</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input class="wodclock_form" type="text" name="tspent" size="15" /></td></tr>
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      <strong>Dear Drug Policy Reform Supporter,</strong>
We at DrugSense and MAPinc hope you have are having a prosperous and enjoyable 2019 that continues through the coming year.
As has been the case for many years, continued support of DrugSense/MAP Inc. has been a vital factor in what we consider to be one of the best investments in the drug policy reform effort that we are aware of. On a relatively small budget, we continue to provide an impressive array of features and support for a wide ranging group of organizations and individuals that are active throughout the drug policy reform arena.
Hopefully this report will provide something of an overview of what DrugSense/MAP inc.  has been doing for the reform community for more than 25 Years!
Over the years, we have evolved into a very multifaceted organization.  This makes it difficult to concisely enumerate all of the many and varied services we provide the drug policy reform community but, hopefully, I can provide a pretty convincing overview without taking too much of your time.

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<li style="margin: 0 0 0.25em 1.5em;"><a href="">Time to declare peace in the worlds longest running war</a></li>
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<li style="margin: 0 0 0.25em 1.5em;"><a href="">Legalizing Marijuana May End the Opioid Crisis, Say Scientists</a></li>
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<li style="margin: 0 0 0.25em 1.5em;"><a href="">Rep. Cohen Asks Atty. Gen. Sessions Which Marijuana Smokers Were Not Good People</a></li>
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<li style="margin: 0 0 0.25em 1.5em;"><a href="">Associations between medical cannabis and prescription opioid use in chronic pain patients</a></li>
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<li style="margin: 0 0 0.25em 1.5em;"><a href="">Federal marijuana legislation clears House of Commons, headed for the Senate</a></li>

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<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">CN BC: LTE: Say No To Drugs The Best Message</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">I have not heard any reporting on what type of drug education our children are receiving in schools. Considering the high number of deaths due to drug overdoses just this year alone, that is 500 in B.C. in the last three months, I would like to know if the schools have any drug prevention education and if so, what is the message? </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US: LTE: Wokeness And U.S. Demand For Illegal Drugs</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Once again, we are reminded of the unintended consequences created by the demand for illegal drugs in this country and the destruction it has caused to democracy and good government in Central and South America (&quot;Rewriting History in Bolivia-and Mexico,&quot; by Mary Anastasia O'Grady, Americas, March 29). </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">Colombia: Students Fall Prey To Drug Gangs</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">PUERTO CACHICAMO, Colombia-The pandemic closed the only school in this remote hamlet, long a stronghold for Marxist guerrillas. With no internet connection for virtual classes, 16-year-old Danna Montilla told her family she was leaving to find work, but instead authorities say she joined a narco-trafficking rebel group. </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US: Teens Most Vulnerable To Marijuana Addiction</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Teenagers are more likely than young adults to become addicted to marijuana or prescription drugs within a year after trying them for the first time, according to a new study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">CN BC: LTE: Say No To Drugs The Best Message</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">I have not heard any reporting on what type of drug education our children are receiving in schools. Considering the high number of deaths due to drug overdoses just this year alone, that is 500 in B.C. in the last three months, I would like to know if the schools have any drug prevention education and if so, what is the message? </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US: LTE: Wokeness And U.S. Demand For Illegal Drugs</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Once again, we are reminded of the unintended consequences created by the demand for illegal drugs in this country and the destruction it has caused to democracy and good government in Central and South America (&quot;Rewriting History in Bolivia-and Mexico,&quot; by Mary Anastasia O'Grady, Americas, March 29). </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">Colombia: Students Fall Prey To Drug Gangs</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">PUERTO CACHICAMO, Colombia-The pandemic closed the only school in this remote hamlet, long a stronghold for Marxist guerrillas. With no internet connection for virtual classes, 16-year-old Danna Montilla told her family she was leaving to find work, but instead authorities say she joined a narco-trafficking rebel group. </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US: Teens Most Vulnerable To Marijuana Addiction</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Teenagers are more likely than young adults to become addicted to marijuana or prescription drugs within a year after trying them for the first time, according to a new study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. </blockquote>
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<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US OR: Let's See What Happens</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Mr. Fallon's letter highlights one of the unappreciated strengths of our federal republic when compared with most other countries: </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US OR: Oregon Abandons Its Youth With New Law</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">It's disingenuous of Seamus R. Fallon (&quot;Oregon Drug Law Change Can Help Families,&quot; Letters, Nov. 24) to insist that two grams of cocaine is one-third the amount a drug dealer would typically carry. What is the source for such a statement? Based on my experience as a high-school teacher, few of the drug users in their teen years are &quot;drug dealers.&quot; They are constant consumers, many on a daily basis, of stimulants of any kind. Two grams of cocaine is easily quartered for four classmates to afford a half-gram each, plenty to get amped up, behind some brewskis, especially for diminutive teen girls. None of the group is &quot;a dealer&quot; in the sense Mr. Fallon proffers his straw man; they are end-users for the dealers. </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US: Oregon Drug Law Change Can Help Families</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Naomi Schaefer Riley and John Walters state that Oregon decriminalized &quot;small amounts of harder drugs, including cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine&quot; (&quot;Legal Drugs Are Fashionable-and Treacherous for Children,&quot; op-ed, Nov. 19) and that the passage of Measure 110 in Oregon &quot;lower[s] the risk and cost of doing business for drug dealers.&quot; It's an erroneous claim. Measure 110 says that possession of less than one gram of heroin, various low amounts of amphetamines and less than two grams of cocaine is decriminalized. No drug dealer would carry anything less than three times the amounts in the measure. </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US GA: Drug War Puts Brave Police Officers In Dangerous Spot</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">The drug war needs to end. If the AJC investigated, it would likely find most of the violence is drug war-related. The police are doing the job they were given. You may not like the way they do it, but do not blame them for doing their highly dangerous job. Either make drugs legal, or let the government compete with the drug lords by taking confiscated drugs and giving them free to drug addicts in a special recovery program. If drugs are free or legal, there is no reason for drug lords to exist. They cannot compete with free. This is the way to end most of the violence and social injustice. Not all of it, I am sorry to say, but it would be a start. </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US: Black Parents Can't Indulge</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Re &quot;Parents' Little Helpers&quot; (Sunday Styles, Oct. 4): To be a Black mother is to be in a constant state of alertness when it comes to protecting your family from the government. As a Black woman, mother and lawyer, I am no different in that regard. </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">CN AB: Harm Reduction Still An Effective Strategy</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Like myself, I suspect many citizens of Lethbridge were alarmed by the finding of misappropriated funds within ARCHES, and the subsequent withdrawal of provincial funding to their supervised consumption site (SCS). As an RN who has worked for a number of years in harm reduction, I am reeling for our clients and their families in terms of how this will impact them. </blockquote>
<span class="map_headline"><a target="_blank" title="Read more" href="">US: Cities Want To Use Pot As A Cure-All</a></span><br/>
<blockquote class="map_excerpt">Give Marijuana Tax Revenues to the Harmed We have a moral imperative to try to right the wrongs of the war on drugs. We should start by investing in the very communities it harmed. </blockquote>
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