August 13, 2022 at 6:39:39 PM UTC
Runtime: 2.3s
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On August 13, 2022 at 6:39:39 PM UTC, was accessible when tested on AS21859 in Afghanistan.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

Answer IP Info
AS13335 (Cloudflare, Inc.)
AS13335 (Cloudflare, Inc.)

TCP Connections succeeded succeeded

HTTP Requests

Response Headers
h3=":443"; ma=86400, h3-29=":443"; ma=86400
frame-ancestors 'self'; upgrade-insecure-requests
text/html; charset=utf-8
Sat, 13 Aug 2022 18:39:39 GMT
max-age=604800, report-uri=""
Response Body
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<script type='text/javascript'>
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    bizx.cmp.ifConsent('', ['all','google-ads'], function(){

<!-- prep GPT ads -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
	function page_type (loc) {
		only four page types:
		- Story
		- Poll
		- Homepage (/ only)
		- Other (but AdOps wants 'Homepage' again)
		var path = loc.pathname;
		var just_the_root = /^\/?$/.test(path);
		var story_or_poll = /^\/(story(?=\/)|submission(?=\/)|poll(?=\/|Booth|s\b))/i.exec(path);

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	function page_section(loc) {
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		var pathwise = '^/(?:(recent|popular|blog)|stories/([^/]+))';
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		var section = (rootwisely && 'homepage')
			|| (pathwisely && (pathwisely[1] || pathwisely[2]))
			|| ''

		return section.replace(/[^_a-z]/ig, '');

	function single_size(size) {
		return '' + size[0] + 'x' + size[1];

	function sz_sz(sz) {
		var str = '';
		var sizes = [];
		if (sz[0] instanceof Array) {
			for (size in sz) {
			return sizes.join(',');
		} else {
			return single_size(sz);

	function unique_tpc_array(array1, array2) {
		var j = array1.concat(array2);
		j.forEach(function (v, i, a) {
			a[i] = v.replace(/[^_a-z]/ig, '');
		return j.filter(function (v, i, a) {
			return v != '' && a.indexOf(v) === i;

		- 'sz' = "size"
		- 'npt' = "no page type" in ad unit name
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	var tag_topic = page_section(location);
	if (tag_name_pagetype == 'poll') {
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	var before_tag_pagetyped = network_path
		+ tag_name_prefix
		+ tag_name_linkage
		+ tag_name_pagetype
		+ tag_name_linkage
	var before_tag_pagetypeless = network_path
		+ tag_name_prefix
		+ tag_name_linkage
		/* + tag_name_pagetype */
		/* + tag_name_linkage */

		//can be safely called
		googletag.cmd.push(function () {

			function remove_sticky_top() {
				setTimeout(function () {
				}, 1000);

			function remove_sticky_railad() {
				setTimeout(function () {
					$('#slashboxes .adwrap-unviewed').addClass('adwrap-viewed-railad');
				}, 1000);

			function viewable_imp(slot) {
				for (var i in slot) {
					if (typeof slot[i] !== 'string') continue;
					switch (slot[i]) {
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_728x90_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_728x90_A":
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_728x90_Ref_A":
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_300x250_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_300x250_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_300x250_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_300x250_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_300x250_Ref_A":
					//if(slot[i] === "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_728x90_A") remove_sticky_top();
					//if(slot[i] === "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_300x250_A") remove_sticky_railad();

			function define_me_a_slot(tag) {
				if (tags[tag].skip && tags[tag].skip[tag_name_pagetype])
				var sandbox_regex = /\.xb\.sf\.net$/i;
				var full_name = tags[tag].npt  // "no page type"
					? before_tag_pagetypeless + tag
					: before_tag_pagetyped + tag
				var div_id = 'div-gpt-ad-' + tag.toLowerCase();
				// extend jQuery and get URL query params
					getQueryParameters: function (str) {
						return (str ||^\?)/, '').split("&").map(function (n) {
							return n = n.split("="), this[n[0]] = n[1], this

				var queryParams = $.getQueryParameters();

				if (queryParams.source === 'autorefresh') {
					full_name = full_name.replace(/(\d+x\d+)/, '$1_Ref');
					//console.log('TAG NAME: ', full_name);

				var slot = googletag.defineSlot(

				service = slot.addService(googletag.pubads());

				window.SD.Ads.slotsById[div_id] = slot;
				window.SD.Ads.idsByPath[full_name] = div_id;

				service.setTargeting('sz', tags[tag].sz);

				var frontend_tpc = tag_topic.split(",");
				var backend_tpc = [  ];

				var tpc_final = unique_tpc_array(frontend_tpc, backend_tpc);
				service.setTargeting('tpc', tpc_final);
				if (location.hostname.match(sandbox_regex)) {
					service.setTargeting('test', 'adops');


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			define_me_a_slot(tag, false);

			googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotVisibilityChanged', window.SD.Ads.visibilityChangedTracker);

		googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) {

                googletag.pubads().setTargeting('requestSource', 'GPT');

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/* Ad-Refresh code */
window.SD.Ads.visibilityChangedTracker = function(event) {
	var id = event.slot.getSlotElementId();
	if (!window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
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			visible: false,
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			reloadCount: 0
	var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
	if (event.inViewPercentage >= 50 && !document.hidden) {
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	} else {
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			timeinfo.visible = false;

window.SD.Ads.setupAdRefresh = function() {
	document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function () {
		for (var id in window.SD.Ads.visibleTime) {
			if (window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
				var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
				if (document.hidden) {
					timeinfo.wasVisibleBeforePageBgd = !!timeinfo.visible;
					if (timeinfo.visible) {
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						timeinfo.visible = false;
				} else if (!document.hidden && timeinfo.wasVisibleBeforePageBgd) {
					timeinfo.visible =;
	}, false);

	// after 30 sec, start checking every second for reload
	var LIMIT_MS = 30000;
	setTimeout(function () {
		setInterval(function () {
			if (document.hidden) {
			for (var id in window.SD.Ads.visibleTime) {
				if (window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
					var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
					if (timeinfo.visible &&
						timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal + ( - timeinfo.visible) >= LIMIT_MS &&
						timeinfo.reloadCount < 50
					) {
						timeinfo.visible = false;
						timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal = 0;
		}, 1000);
	}, LIMIT_MS);

window.SD.Ads.Helpers.refreshBids = function (reloadIds) {
		console.log('AD REFRESH: refreshBids', reloadIds);
		pbjs.que.push(function () {
			for (var i = reloadIds.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
				var id = reloadIds[i];
				// clear out winner status from earlier auctions
				if (bizxPrebid.Ads.prebidWinners[id]) {
					delete bizxPrebid.Ads.prebidWinners[id];
				// if has complement (hubicon), remove it since they are just house ads and can cause funky layouts if this leaderboard is refreshed to a different size
				var path = window.SD.Ads.slotsById[id].getAdUnitPath();
				/*var complement = gptadComplements[path];
				if (complement) {
					var complement_shortname = complement[0];
					var complement_path = "/41014381/SD/" + complement_shortname;
					var slot = window.SD.Ads.slotsById[window.SD.Ads.idsByPath[complement_path]];
					if (slot) {
						var $wrappedAd = $(window.SD.Ads.Helpers.getContainerIDFromPath(complement_path));
						delete gptadComplements[path];


				timeout: window.bizxPrebid.PREBID_TIMEOUT,
				adUnitCodes: reloadIds,
				bidsBackHandler: function () {
					var reloadSlots = { return window.SD.Ads.slotsById[id]; });

					// clear out previous sizing attrs, as they may change after refresh
					for (var i = 0; i < reloadSlots.length; i++) {
						var $wrappedAd = $(window.SD.Ads.Helpers.getContainerIDFromPath(reloadSlots[i].getAdUnitPath()));
						var classes = $wrappedAd.attr('class').split(' ');
						for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) {
							if (classes[j].indexOf('sz_') >= 0) {

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$('#more-experiment a').
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		<span id="title-165285016" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Netflix Airs Episode on Kansas 'Swat' Perpetrator, While Victim's Family Sues Policeman</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165285016" datetime="on Saturday August 13, 2022 @02:34PM">on Saturday August 13, 2022 @02:34PM</time>
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				In June Netflix launched <a href=""> <em>Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies, and the Internet</em></a>, a true-crime series.   It began with an episode documenting the 2017 death of a 28-year-old Kansas man named Andrew Finch after California gamer Tyler Barriss <a href="">faked an emergency call from Finch's home to the Wichita, Kansas police department</a>.<br> <br>

So where are they now?  Barriss is now serving a 20-year prison sentence, <em>Bustle</em> reports.   "Barriss, a resident of Los Angeles, California, <a href="">pled guilty to a total of 51 charges, all having to do with hoax emergency calls</a> he'd made, including the call that resulted in Finch's murder."  Barriss received as 12-and-a-half year sentence for the Kansas call, and then another 8-and-a-half-year sentence for all the other illegal calls placed between 2015 and 2017 <a href="">to 17 different U.S. states</a>.   "He also received another five years of supervised release in Washington, D.C., for phoning in bomb threats to the FBI and Federal Communications Commission in 2017."<br> <br>

And the 19-year-old who'd hired Barriss "<a href="">received a 15-month prison sentence in 2019</a> after pleading guilty to obstruction of justice."<br> <br>

Meanwhile, Andrew Finch's surviving family members <a href="">filed legal actions against the police department responsible for Finch's death</a>.  And while police officers normally receive "qualified immunity" protecting them from lawsuits over the performance of their duties, there was an update last month:

<i>An officer with the Wichita Police Department will face a civil trial in connection with the December 2017 swatting incident... Justin Rapp was the officer who shot the unarmed man. A U.S. appeals court sided with the Kansas district court in denying Officer Rapp qualified immunity in Finch's death.    The court said a reasonable jury could believe Finch was unarmed and unthreatening when Rapp fired the shot that killed him.<br> <br>

Finch's family brought the excessive force civil suit.  Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett declined to prosecute Rapp for fatally shooting Finch. The Wichita Police Department conclude Rapp didn't violate department policy....<br> <br>

Along with its conclusion that the civil case against Rapp can move forward, the appellate court also affirmed the district court's summary judgment on liability claims against the City of Wichita. This decision essentially maintained the city and the WPD as a whole weren't liable in Finch's death. The court of appeals dismissed arguments saying, in sum, "[the lawsuit from Finch's family] has failed to show any deliberately indifferent policies or customs that caused Rapp to use excessive lethal force."</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165285524" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Google's New Bug Bounties Include Their Custom Linux Kernel's Experimental Security Mitigations</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165285524" datetime="on Saturday August 13, 2022 @01:34PM">on Saturday August 13, 2022 @01:34PM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">bankrolling-breaches</span> dept.

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				Google uses Linux "in almost everything," according to the leader of Google's "product security response" team &mdash; including Chromebooks, Android smartphones, and even Google Cloud.<br> <br>

"Because of this, we have heavily invested in Linux's security &mdash; and today, we're <a href="">announcing how we're building on those investments and increasing our rewards</a>."

<i>In 2020, we <a href="">launched</a> an open-source Kubernetes-based Capture-the-Flag (CTF) project called, <a href="">kCTF</a>. The kCTF <a href="">Vulnerability Rewards Program</a> lets researchers connect to our <a href="">Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)</a> instances, and if they can hack it, they get a flag, and are potentially rewarded. <br> <br>

All of GKE and its dependencies are in scope, but every flag caught so far has been a container breakout through a Linux kernel vulnerability.<br> <br>

We've learned that finding and exploiting heap memory corruption vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel could be made a lot harder. Unfortunately, security mitigations are often hard to quantify, however, we think we've found a way to do so concretely going forward....<br> <br>

First, we are indefinitely extending the increased reward amounts we <a href="">announced</a> earlier this year, meaning we'll continue to pay $20,000 &mdash; $91,337 USD for vulnerabilities on our lab kCTF deployment to reward the important work being done to understand and improve kernel security. This is in addition to our existing <a href="">patch rewards</a> for proactive security improvements.<br> <br>

Second, we're launching <a href="">new instances</a> with additional rewards to evaluate the latest Linux kernel stable image as well as new experimental mitigations in a custom kernel we've built. Rather than simply learning about the current state of the stable kernels, the new instances will be used to ask the community to help us evaluate the value of both our latest and more experimental security mitigations.  Today, we are starting with a set of mitigations we believe will make most of the vulnerabilities (9/10 vulns and 10/13 exploits) we received this past year more difficult to exploit. For new exploits of vulnerabilities submitted which also compromise the latest Linux kernel, we will pay an additional $21,000 USD. For those which compromise our custom Linux kernel with our experimental mitigations, the reward will be another $21,000 USD (if they are clearly bypassing the mitigations we are testing). This brings the total rewards up to a maximum of $133,337 USD. <br> <br>

We hope this will allow us to learn more about how hard (or easy) it is to bypass our experimental mitigations.....<br> <br>

With the kCTF VRP program, we are building a pipeline to analyze, experiment, measure and build security mitigations to make the Linux kernel as safe as we can with the help of the security community. We hope that, over time, we will be able to make security mitigations that make exploitation of Linux kernel vulnerabilities as hard as possible.
</i> <br>

"We don't care about vulnerabilities; we care about exploits," Vela <a href="">told the <em>Register</em></a>.  "We expect the vulnerabilities are there, they will get patched, and that's nice and all. But the whole idea is what do to beyond just patching a couple of vulnerabilities."
<i>In total, Google paid out <a href="">$8.7 million</a> in rewards to almost 700 researchers across its various VPRs last year. "We are just one actor in the whole community that happens to have economic resources, financial resources, but we need the community to help us make the Kernel better," Vela said.<br> <br>

"If the community is engaged and helps us validate the mitigations that we have, then, we will continue growing on top of that. But the whole idea is that we need to see where the community wants us to go with this...."<br> <br>

[I]t's not always about the cash payout, according to Vela, and different bug hunters have different motivations. Some want money, some want fame and some just want to solve an interesting problem, Vela said. "We are trying to find the right combination to captivate people."



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		<span id="title-165282400" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">California's Governor Proposes Extending the Life of Its Last Nuclear Plant</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				"California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday proposed <a href="">extending the life of the state's last operating nuclear power plant by five to 10 years</a>," reports the Associated Press, "to maintain reliable power supplies in the climate change era."
<i>Newsom's draft proposal includes a potential forgivable loan for PG&amp;E for up to $1.4 billion and would require state agencies to act quickly to clear the way for the reactors to continue running.  The seaside plant located midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco produces 9% of the state's electricity. The proposal says its continued operation beyond 2025 is "critical to ensure statewide energy system reliability" as climate change stresses the energy system.... <br> <br>

Newsom clearly wants to avoid a repeat of August 2020, when a record heat wave caused a surge in power use for air conditioning that overtaxed California's electrical grid. That caused two consecutive nights of rolling blackouts for the state, affecting hundreds of thousands of residential and business customers.   The Newsom administration is pushing to expand clean energy, as the state aims to cut emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. Nuclear power doesn't produce carbon pollution like fossil fuels, but leaves behind waste that can remain dangerously radioactive for centuries.<br> <br>

The California Legislature has less than three weeks to determine if it will endorse the plan and attempt to extend the life of the plant &mdash; a decision that would be made amid looming questions over the costs and earthquake safety risks....  The Democratic governor, who is seen as a possible future White House candidate, has urged PG&amp;E for months to pursue a longer run beyond a scheduled closing by 2025, warning that the plant's power is needed as the state transitions to solar, wind and other renewable sources of energy.  </i> <br>

One concerned Democratic state Senator (from the district housing the plant) argued that another earthquake fault was discovered near the plant in 2008, and reminded the Associated Press that "seismic upgrades were never totally completed. Will they address that?"<br>



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		<span id="title-165281792" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Gen Z Streaming Stars React to Classic Sci-Fi Movies of the '80s</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165281792" datetime="on Saturday August 13, 2022 @11:34AM">on Saturday August 13, 2022 @11:34AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">Tron's-legacy</span> dept.

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				The <em>New York Times</em> tried <a href="">an experiment with four classic science fiction films from exactly 40 years ago</a>:

<i>If you were a moviegoer in the 1980s, you were constantly presented with imaginative questions that seemed cosmic and existential. Would humanity someday settle its differences here on earth and learn to travel the stars as a unified species? Or were we destined for a dystopian future with little more to look at than smoggy skies and gargantuan billboards? Did our advancing technology have the ability to literally absorb us or replace us entirely? Might we someday encounter alien life that was intelligent and benevolent? Surely some of these questions would be answered by the far-off future year 2000.<br> <br>

"Blade Runner," "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial," "Tron" and "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan," all released 40 years ago, in the summer of '82, have become foundational works, shaping the next several decades of fantasy franchises. But what if this wasn't the science-fiction cinema you grew up with? What if you came of age in a later generation, and knew these movies only as celebrated if somewhat distant influences? Would they still seem exciting, innovative and thought-provoking? Or &mdash; to confront another terrifying speculative scenario &mdash; would they just seem uncool?<br> <br>

To find out for ourselves, we enlisted four stars of the current day &mdash; all born in the 21st century &mdash; and asked them each to watch one of those seminal science-fiction films. They shared their reactions and reflections, didn't judge the special effects too harshly and still shed tears when they thought E.T. died.</i> <br>

They showed <em>Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan</em> to Celia Rose Gooding, who plays Uhura in the Paramount+ series <em>Star Trek: Strange New Worlds</em>.   Gooding's response was "the machoism of the men in charge has not changed in the future... these are still two guys trying to see whose ship is bigger."<br> <br>

Meanwhile, the 22-year-old star of Netflix's <em>Cobra Kai</em>, Jacob Bertrand, was watching both <em>Tron</em> and its 2010 sequel <em>Tron: Legacy</em>.  "I feel like the new one doesn't hold a candle to the old one.... I was trying to think of how they could have done this with the technology at the time, and everything that I could think of just sounds like so much work. I was like, dude, how are they pulling this off back then? Holy cow, these people were dedicated."<br> <br>

19-year-old Iman Vellani (star of Disney+ show <em>Ms. Marvel</em>) felt that <em>Blade Runner</em> "hit the mark... I feel like everyone of my generation is always searching for some higher purpose or trying to prove they're worthy enough or special enough for the spotlight, or just worthy of more life. I find myself sympathizing with the replicants a lot more, upon rewatch, in a way I did not expect."<br> <br>

And the 19-year-old star of Netflix's <em>Stranger Things</em>, Finn Wolfhard, described <em>E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial</em> as "incredibly sweet."<br>



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		<span id="title-165283648" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Facing Privacy Concerns, Facebook Begins Testing End-to-End Encrypted Chats, Secure Backups </a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165283648" datetime="on Saturday August 13, 2022 @10:34AM">on Saturday August 13, 2022 @10:34AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">masking-Messenger</span> dept.

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				Thursday Meta published a blog post by their "product management director of Messenger Trust," who emphasized that they've <a href="">begun at least testing end-to-end encryption by default for Messenger chats</a>.  But Meta also announced plans "to test a new secure storage feature for backups of your end-to-end encrypted chats on Messenger...."<br> <br>

"As with end-to-end encrypted chats, secure storage means that we won't have access to your messages, unless you choose to report them to us."<br> <br>

CNBC <a href="">provides some context</a>:

<i>The announcement comes after Facebook <a href="">turned over Messenger chat histories to Nebraska police</a> as part of an investigation into an alleged illegal abortion.   Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said the feature has been in the works for a while and is not related to the Nebraska case... <br> <br>

The feature is rolling out on Android and iOS devices this week, but it isn't yet available on the Messenger website.  The company has been discussing full-scale deployment of end-to-end encryption since 2016, but critics have said the security measure would make it <a href="">much more difficult for law enforcement to catch child predators</a>....Meta said in the release that it is making progress toward the global rollout of default end-to-end encryption for personal messages and calls in 2023.</i> <br>

Other privacy enhancements announced Thursday by Meta:
<li> "We plan to bring end-to-end encrypted calls to the Calls Tab on Messenger."</li></ul><ul>
<li>Meta announced that the deleting of messages will start syncing across your other devices "soon."</li></ul><ul>
<li>Messenger will continue offering the option of <a href="">"Disappearing" messages</a>, in which viewed messages in an end-to-end encrypted chat automatically then disappear after a pre-specified period of time.</li></ul><p>
And there's more, according to Meta's announcement:.<br> <br>

<em>"This week, we'll begin testing default end-to-end encrypted chats between some people. If you're in the test group, some of your most frequent chats may be automatically end-to-end encrypted, which means you won't have to opt in to the feature. You'll still have access to your message history, but any new messages or calls with that person will be end-to-end encrypted. You can still report messages to us if you think they violate our policies, and we'll review them and take action as necessary....<br> <br>

"Last year, we <a href="">started a limited test</a> of opt-in end-to-end encrypted messages and calls on Instagram, and in February we broadened the test to include adults in Ukraine and Russia. Soon, we'll expand the test even further to include people in more countries and add more features like group chats....<br> <br>

"We will continue to provide updates as we make progress toward the global rollout of default end-to-end encryption for personal messages and calls in 2023."</em> </p><br>



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		<span id="title-165280230" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">The Hacking of Starlink Terminals Has Begun</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165280230" datetime="on Saturday August 13, 2022 @09:00AM">on Saturday August 13, 2022 @09:00AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">like-any-emerging-technology</span> dept.

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				<a href="/~AmiMoJo">AmiMoJo</a> shares a report from Wired: <i>Since 2018, ELON Musk's Starlink has <a href="">launched</a> more than 3,000 small satellites into orbit. This satellite network beams internet connections to hard-to-reach locations on Earth and has been a <a href="">vital source of connectivity</a> during Russia's war in Ukraine. Thousands more satellites are planned for launch as the industry booms. Now, like any emerging technology, <a href="">those satellite components are being hacked</a>. Today, Lennert Wouters, a security researcher at the Belgian university KU Leuven, will reveal one of the first security breakdowns of Starlink's user terminals, the satellite dishes (dubbed Dishy McFlatface) that are positioned on people's homes and buildings. At the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, Wouters will detail how a series of hardware vulnerabilities allow attackers to access the Starlink system and run custom code on the devices.
<br> <br>
To access the satellite dish's software, Wouters physically stripped down a dish he purchased and created a custom hacking tool that can be attached to the Starlink dish. The hacking tool, a custom circuit board known as a modchip, uses off-the-shelf parts that cost around $25. Once attached to the Starlink dish, the homemade printed circuit board (PCB) is able to launch a fault injection attack -- temporarily shorting the system -- to help bypass Starlink's security protections. This 'glitch' allows Wouters to get into previously locked parts of the Starlink system. The researcher notified Starlink of the flaws last year and the company paid Wouters through its bug bounty scheme for identifying the vulnerabilities. Wouters says that while SpaceX has issued an update to make the attack harder (he changed the modchip in response), the underlying issue can't be fixed unless the company creates a new version of the main chip. All existing user terminals are vulnerable, Wouters says.</i> Wouters is making his hacking tool <a href="">open source on GitHub</a>. Following his presentation, Starlink says it plans to release a "public update" to address the issue but additional details were not shared.<br>



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		<span id="title-165280146" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Microsoft Urges Windows Users To Run Patch For DogWalk Zero-Day Exploit</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165280146" datetime="on Saturday August 13, 2022 @06:00AM">on Saturday August 13, 2022 @06:00AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">time-to-update</span> dept.

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				<a href="/~joshuark">joshuark</a> shares a report from Computerworld: <i>Despite previously claiming the DogWalk vulnerability did not constitute a security issue, Microsoft has now <a href="">released a patch to stop attackers from actively exploiting the vulnerability</a>. [...] The vulnerability, known as CVE-2022-34713 or DogWalk, allows attackers to exploit a weakness in the Windows Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT). By using social engineering or phishing, attackers can trick users into visiting a fake website or opening a malicious document or file and ultimately gain remote code execution on compromised systems. DogWalk affects all Windows versions under support, including the latest client and server releases, Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.
<br> <br>
The vulnerability was first reported in January 2020 but at the time, Microsoft said it didn't consider the exploit to be a security issue. This is the second time in recent months that Microsoft has been forced to change its position on a known exploit, having initially rejected reports that another Windows MSDT zero-day, <a href="">known as Follina</a>, posed a security threat. A patch for that exploit was released in June's Patch Tuesday update. </i><br>



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		<span id="title-165280044" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">17-Year-Old Designed Electric Motor Without Rare-Earth Magnets</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				"A 17-year-old [named Robert Sansone] created a prototype of a novel synchronous reluctance motor that has greater rotational force -- or torque -- and efficiency than existing ones," writes Slashdot reader <a href="/~hesdeadjim99">hesdeadjim99</a> from a report via Smithsonian Magazine. "The prototype was made from 3-D printed plastic, copper wires and a steel rotor and tested using a variety of meters to measure power and a laser tachometer to determine the motor's rotational speed. His work earned him <a href="">first prize</a>, and $75,000 in winnings, at this year's <a href="">Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)</a>, the largest international high school STEM competition." From the report: <i> The less sustainable permanent magnet motors use materials such as neodymium, samarium and dysprosium, which are in high demand because they're used in many different products, including headphones and earbuds, explains Heath Hofmann, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Michigan. Hofmann has worked extensively on electric vehicles, including consulting with Tesla to develop the control algorithms for its propulsion drive. [...] Synchronous reluctance motors don't use magnets. Instead, a steel rotor with air gaps cut into it aligns itself with the rotating magnetic field. Reluctance, or the magnetism of a material, is key to this process. As the rotor spins along with the rotating magnetic field, torque is produced. More torque is produced when the saliency ratio, or difference in magnetism between materials (in this case, the steel and the non-magnetic air gaps), is greater.
<br> <br>
Instead of using air gaps, Sansone thought he could incorporate another magnetic field into a motor. This would increase this saliency ratio and, in turn, produce more torque. His design has other components, but he can't disclose any more details because he hopes to patent the technology in the future. [...] It took several prototypes before he could test his design. [...] Sansone tested his motor for torque and efficiency, and then reconfigured it to run as a more traditional synchronous reluctance motor for comparison. He found that his novel design exhibited 39 percent greater torque and 31 percent greater efficiency at 300 revolutions per minute (RPM). At 750 RPM, it performed at 37 percent greater efficiency. He couldn't test his prototype at higher revolutions per minute because the plastic pieces would overheat -- a lesson he learned the hard way when one of the prototypes melted on his desk, he tells <a href="">Top of the Class</a>, a podcast produced by Crimson Education. In comparison, Tesla's Model S motor can reach up to 18,000 RPM, explained the company's principal motor designer Konstantinos Laskaris in a 2016 interview with Christian Ruoff of the electric vehicles magazine <a href=",it%20awakens%20the%20soulless%20car.">Charged</a>.
<br> <br>
Sansone validated his results in a second experiment, in which he "isolated the theoretical principle under which the novel design creates magnetic saliency," per his project presentation. Essentially, this experiment eliminated all other variables, and confirmed that the improvements in torque and efficiency were correlated with the greater saliency ratio of his design. [...] Sansone is now working on calculations and 3-D modeling for version 16 of his motor, which he plans to build out of sturdier materials so he can test it at higher revolutions per minute. If his motor continues to perform with high speed and efficiency, he says he'll move forward with the patenting process. </i><br>



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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: <i>Polio has been <a href="">detected in New York City wastewater</a>, suggesting that the virus that causes the disease is probably circulating in the city, the health authorities said on Friday. The announcement came three weeks after a man in Rockland County, N.Y., north of the city, was <a href="">diagnosed with polio</a> thatleft him with paralysis. Health officials fear that the detection of polio in New York City's wastewater could precede other cases of paralytic polio. The spread of the virus poses a risk to unvaccinated people, but a three-dose course of the vaccine provides at least 99 percent protection.
<br> <br>
Most adults in the United Stateswere vaccinated against polio as children. In New York City, the overall rate of polio vaccination among children 5 and under is 86 percent. Still, insome city ZIP codes, fewer thantwo-thirds of children in that group have received a full regimen, a figure that worries health officials. (The citywide vaccination rate dipped amid the pandemic, as visits to pediatricians were postponed.) Although many people who become infected with polio do not develop symptoms, about 4 percent will get viral meningitis and about 1 in 200 will become paralyzed, according to the health authorities. Parents of children who have not yet been fully vaccinated should see that they are immediately, officials said.</i> "While the polio virus had previously been detected in wastewater samples in Rockland and neighboring Orange Counties, the announcement on Friday was the first sign it had been found in New York City," adds the report. "The city's health department did not provide details about where exactly in the five boroughs polio had been found in the wastewater, nor did officials provide dates for when the virus was detected or say how many samples had tested positive."
<br> <br>
<b>Further reading:</b> <a href="">Vaccine-Derived Polio Is On the Rise</a><br>



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		<span id="title-165279758" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">NetBSD 9.3: A 2022 OS That Can Run On Late-1980s Hardware</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165279758" datetime="on Friday August 12, 2022 @10:02PM">on Friday August 12, 2022 @10:02PM</time>
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				Version 9.3 of NetBSD is here, able to run on very low-end systems and <a href="">with that authentic early-1990s experience</a>. The Register reports: <i> <a href="">Version 9.3</a> comes some 15 months after NetBSD 9.2 and boasts new and updated drivers, improved hardware support, including for some recent AMD and Intel processors, and better handling of suspend and resume. The next sentence in the release announcement, though, might give some readers pause: "Support for wsfb-based X11 servers on the Commodore Amiga." This is your clue that we are in a rather different territory from run-of-the-mill PC operating systems here. A notable <a href="">improvement</a> in NetBSD 9.3 is being able to run a graphical desktop on an Amiga. This is a 2022 operating system that can run on late-1980s hardware, and there are not many of those around.
<br> <br>
NetBSD supports eight "tier I" architectures: 32-bit and 64-bit x86 and Arm, plus MIPS, PowerPC, Sun UltraSPARC, and the Xen hypervisor. Alongside those, there are no less than 49 "tier II" supported architectures, which are not as complete and not everything works -- although almost all of them are on version 9.3 except for the version for original Acorn computers with 32-bit Arm CPUs, which is still only on NetBSD 8.1. There's also a "tier III" for ports which are on "life support" so there may be a risk Archimedes support could drop to that. This is an OS that can run on 680x0 hardware, DEC VAX minicomputers and workstations, and Sun 2, 3, and 32-bit SPARC boxes. In other words, it reaches back as far as some 1970s hardware. Let this govern your expectations. For instance, in VirtualBox, if you tell it you want to create a NetBSD guest, it disables SMP support. </i><br>



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		<span id="title-165279694" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Baidu Has China's First Permits For Fully Driverless Robotaxi Services</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				China's first fully autonomous, commercial robotaxi rides -- with no safety drivers -- are <a href="">about to open for public passengers in Wuhan and Chongqing</a>, marking an inflection point for one of the key technological revolutions of the 21st century. New Atlas reports: <i> The two newly-issued permits allow Baidu to charge for driverless rides within a 13-sq-km (5-sq-mi) area in Wuhan, between 9 am and 5 pm, and within a larger 30-sq-km (11.6-sq-mi) zone in Chonqing's Yongchuan district between 9.30 am and 5.30 pm -- so while they're currently set to avoid peak hours, they'll be mixing it up with plenty of daytime traffic. Each zone will run five 5th-generation Apollo cars, with remote drivers ready to assume control if the vehicles get themselves into any sticky situations. Home base will be watching closely through the cars' camera systems, particularly in these early days.
<br> <br>
Baidu's Apollo Go is already the world's biggest robotaxi company, with operations already live in all tier-one Chinese cities using the same 5th-gen car, with backup drivers on board. The company recently revealed its 6th-gen design, its first ground-up fully autonomous car for mass production. The Apollo RT6 will cost just RMB 250,000 (US$37,000) to manufacture, says Baidu, and its optional, removable steering wheel and generous, configurable cabin space will make it one of the first proper mobility pod-type services when it hits the streets commercially in 2023.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165279610" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Facebook Will Begin Testing End-To-End Encryption As Default On Messenger App</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				Facebook announced on Thursday it will <a href="">begin testing end-to-end encryption as the default option</a> for some users of its Messenger app on Android and iOS. The Guardian reports: <i> Facebook messenger users currently have to opt in to make their messages end-to-end encrypted (E2E), a mechanism that theoretically allows only the sender and recipient of a message to access its content. Facebook spokesperson Alex Dziedzan said on Thursday that E2E encryption is a complex feature to implement and that the test is limited to a couple of hundred users for now so that the company can ensure the system is working properly. Dziedzan also said the move was "not a response to any law enforcement requests." Meta, Facebook's parent company, said it had planned to roll out the test for months. The company had previously announced plans to make E2E encryption the default in 2022 but pushed the date back to 2023. </i> "The only way for companies like Facebook to meaningfully protect people is for them to ensure that they do not have access to user data or communications when a law enforcement agency comes knocking," Evan Greer, the director of the digital rights group Fight for the Future, said. "Expanding end-to-end encryption by default is a part of that, but companies like Facebook also need to stop collecting and retaining so much intimate information about us in the first place."<br>



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		<span id="title-165279572" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Amazon Studio Plans Lighthearted Show of Ring Surveillance Footage</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: <i>For some people, the term "Ring Nation" might evoke a warrantless surveillance dystopia overseen by an omnipotent megacorp. To <a href="">Amazon-owned MGM</a>, Ring Nation is a clip show hosted by comedian Wanda Sykes, featuring dancing delivery people and adorable pets. <a href="">Deadline reports</a> that the show, due to debut on September 26, is "the latest example of corporate synergy at Amazon." Amazon owns household video security brand Ring, Hollywood studio MGM, and Big Fish, the producer of Ring Nation. Viral videos <a href="">captured by doorbell cameras</a> have been hot for a while now. You can catch them on late-night talk shows, the <a href="">r/CaughtOnRing</a> subreddit, and on millions of TikTok users' For You page. Amazon's media properties, perhaps sensing an opportunity to capitalize and soften Ring's image, are <a href="">sallying forth with an officially branded offering</a>.
<br> <br>
Ring Nation will feature "neighbors saving neighbors, marriage proposals, military reunions and silly animals," Deadline writes. But Ring Nation might be aiming even higher, according to Ring founder Jamie Siminoff -- to something approaching a salve for our deeply divided nation. "Bringing the new community together is core to our mission at Ring, and Ring Nation gives friends and family a fun new way to enjoy time with one another," Siminoff told Deadline. "We're so excited to have Wanda Sykes join Ring Nation to share people's memorable moments with viewers."</i> "Ring sharing its owners' moments with other viewers has been a contentious issue," notes Ars. Amazon's Ring can share footage with police during emergencies <a href="">without consent and without warrants</a>. The service has also reportedly partnered with <a href="">hundreds of law enforcement agencies</a> across the country to increase Ring installations and ease police access to footage.<br>



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		<span id="title-165279432" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">'Samsung Still Hasn't Given Us a Good Reason To Buy a Foldable Phone'</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				Earlier this week, Samsung <a href="">unveiled</a> their new Z Fold 4 and Z Flip 4 -- two of the most refined and polished foldable smartphones on the market. However, what Samsung hasn't done (or any other phone manufacturer for that matter) "is make the case for <a href="">why you'd actually want a foldable phone</a>," writes David Pierce via The Verge. "And until it can explain why it's worth all the extra cost and tradeoffs, I'm having a hard time figuring out why you'd be willing to give up the phone you know and love to get one." From the report: <i> What Samsung needs to do with the Galaxy Fold (and the rest of the industry will eventually need to do with their own foldables) is convince people that it's worth buying a phone that's more expensive, more fragile, and takes up more room in your pocket. Right now, the worst thing about foldables is that they force you to make significant sacrifices on the most important device you own: your smartphone. The new Fold 4 is a little shorter, about an ounce heavier, and about twice as thick as the Galaxy S22 Ultra. It's also $600 more expensive. The Ultra has a bigger battery, better camera specs, and a 6.8-inch screen that supports an S Pen. The Fold 4, when opened, is noticeably larger, but the candy bar phones still get plenty big. And Fold makes a lot of sacrifices for some more real estate.
<br> <br>
It's not even clear to me that Samsung knows why you should make all of those sacrifices. On its website, one of the first selling points the company offers is that you can prop up the screen on a table by opening it halfway for watching or taking videos hands-free. Here in reality, we call that a kickstand, and this is an awfully expensive one. In this mode, you're also only using half the screen, which sort of defeats the whole purpose. So far, multitasking seems to be the foldable's one actual advantage. Open up your Galaxy Fold, and you can run two apps side by side or even three or four on the screen at once! This, I agree, is a delightful thing. Being able to use my browser and my notes app side by side or see my calendar and my email together is much better than constantly swiping between two full-screen apps. And seeing two pages at a time in the Kindle app is the best. And you know what? Big screens are just good -- good for games, good for reading, good for watching Netflix.
<br> <br>
But these aren't just arguments for foldables; they're arguments for tablets. And so far, the arguments for Android tablets don't seem to be convincing many users. While Android has gotten better as a large-screen operating system, and the Fold 4's software being based on Android 12L is a good sign, too many apps that are "optimized" for foldables are actually just sticking a giant sidebar onto one side, which doesn't accomplish much. Others just streeeetch everything to fit the larger screen. Don't even get me started on how the vast majority of apps deal with Microsoft's approach of two separate screens attached with a hinge. Samsung has done an admirable job of wrangling all of Android's weirdness onto the Fold's screen, and in general, it's not that the Fold doesn't work; it's that there's nothing about the Fold that is dramatically better than the phone or tablet you might already be carrying around. And shoving them into a single device actually makes them both a little worse. </i><br>



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		<span id="title-165279244" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">VLC Media Player Banned In India</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				One of the most popular media player software and streaming media server VLC media player, developed by VideoLAN project, is <a href="">no longer working in India</a>. India Today reports: <i> As per a report by MediaNama, VLC Media Player has been blocked in India nearly 2 months ago. Neither the company nor the Indian government has revealed any details about the ban. Some reports suggest that VLC Media Player has been blocked in the country because the platform was China-backed hacking group Cicada was using it for cyber attacks. Just a few months ago, security experts discovered that Cicada was using VLC Media Player to deploy a malicious malware loader as part of a long-running cyber attack campaign.
<br> <br>
Since it was a soft ban, neither the company, nor the Indian government officially announced the banning of the media platform. Some users on Twitter are still discovering the restrictions of the platform. One of the Twitter users by the name Gagandeep Sapra tweeted a screenshot of the VLC website that shows &#226;oethe website has been blocked as per order Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology under IT Act, 2000." Currently, the VLC Media Player website and download link are blocked in the country. In simple words, this means that no one in the country can access the platform for any work. This is seemingly the case for users who have the software installed on their device. It is said that VLC Media Player is blocked on all major ISPs including ACTFibernet, Jio, Vodafone-idea and others. </i><br>



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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Zenlayer Inc
Measurement UID
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-desktop-unattended (3.14.1)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.14.1)

Raw Measurement Data
