August 12, 2022 at 7:19:55 PM UTC
Runtime: 1.1s
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On August 12, 2022 at 7:19:55 PM UTC, was accessible when tested on AS56089 in New Caledonia.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

Answer IP Info
AS13335 (Cloudflare, Inc.)
AS13335 (Cloudflare, Inc.)

TCP Connections succeeded succeeded

HTTP Requests

Response Headers
h3=":443"; ma=86400, h3-29=":443"; ma=86400
frame-ancestors 'self'; upgrade-insecure-requests
text/html; charset=utf-8
Fri, 12 Aug 2022 19:19:55 GMT
max-age=604800, report-uri=""
Response Body
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<script type='text/javascript'>
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    bizx.cmp.ifConsent('', ['all','google-ads'], function(){

<!-- prep GPT ads -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
	function page_type (loc) {
		only four page types:
		- Story
		- Poll
		- Homepage (/ only)
		- Other (but AdOps wants 'Homepage' again)
		var path = loc.pathname;
		var just_the_root = /^\/?$/.test(path);
		var story_or_poll = /^\/(story(?=\/)|submission(?=\/)|poll(?=\/|Booth|s\b))/i.exec(path);

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			page_type = 'homepage'; // this one might move out of here

		return page_type;

	function page_section(loc) {
		//var greek = ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta'].join('|');
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		var pathwise = '^/(?:(recent|popular|blog)|stories/([^/]+))';
		var rootwise = '^\/?$';

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		var rootwisely = new RegExp(rootwise, 'i').exec(loc.pathname);

		var section = (rootwisely && 'homepage')
			|| (pathwisely && (pathwisely[1] || pathwisely[2]))
			|| ''

		return section.replace(/[^_a-z]/ig, '');

	function single_size(size) {
		return '' + size[0] + 'x' + size[1];

	function sz_sz(sz) {
		var str = '';
		var sizes = [];
		if (sz[0] instanceof Array) {
			for (size in sz) {
			return sizes.join(',');
		} else {
			return single_size(sz);

	function unique_tpc_array(array1, array2) {
		var j = array1.concat(array2);
		j.forEach(function (v, i, a) {
			a[i] = v.replace(/[^_a-z]/ig, '');
		return j.filter(function (v, i, a) {
			return v != '' && a.indexOf(v) === i;

		- 'sz' = "size"
		- 'npt' = "no page type" in ad unit name
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		'1x1': {'sz': [1, 1]}

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	var tag_topic = page_section(location);
	if (tag_name_pagetype == 'poll') {
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	var before_tag_pagetyped = network_path
		+ tag_name_prefix
		+ tag_name_linkage
		+ tag_name_pagetype
		+ tag_name_linkage
	var before_tag_pagetypeless = network_path
		+ tag_name_prefix
		+ tag_name_linkage
		/* + tag_name_pagetype */
		/* + tag_name_linkage */

		//can be safely called
		googletag.cmd.push(function () {

			function remove_sticky_top() {
				setTimeout(function () {
				}, 1000);

			function remove_sticky_railad() {
				setTimeout(function () {
					$('#slashboxes .adwrap-unviewed').addClass('adwrap-viewed-railad');
				}, 1000);

			function viewable_imp(slot) {
				for (var i in slot) {
					if (typeof slot[i] !== 'string') continue;
					switch (slot[i]) {
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_728x90_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_728x90_A":
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_728x90_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_728x90_Ref_A":
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_300x250_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_300x250_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_300x250_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_300x250_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_300x250_Ref_A":
					//if(slot[i] === "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_728x90_A") remove_sticky_top();
					//if(slot[i] === "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_300x250_A") remove_sticky_railad();

			function define_me_a_slot(tag) {
				if (tags[tag].skip && tags[tag].skip[tag_name_pagetype])
				var sandbox_regex = /\.xb\.sf\.net$/i;
				var full_name = tags[tag].npt  // "no page type"
					? before_tag_pagetypeless + tag
					: before_tag_pagetyped + tag
				var div_id = 'div-gpt-ad-' + tag.toLowerCase();
				// extend jQuery and get URL query params
					getQueryParameters: function (str) {
						return (str ||^\?)/, '').split("&").map(function (n) {
							return n = n.split("="), this[n[0]] = n[1], this

				var queryParams = $.getQueryParameters();

				if (queryParams.source === 'autorefresh') {
					full_name = full_name.replace(/(\d+x\d+)/, '$1_Ref');
					//console.log('TAG NAME: ', full_name);

				var slot = googletag.defineSlot(

				service = slot.addService(googletag.pubads());

				window.SD.Ads.slotsById[div_id] = slot;
				window.SD.Ads.idsByPath[full_name] = div_id;

				service.setTargeting('sz', tags[tag].sz);

				var frontend_tpc = tag_topic.split(",");
				var backend_tpc = [  ];

				var tpc_final = unique_tpc_array(frontend_tpc, backend_tpc);
				service.setTargeting('tpc', tpc_final);
				if (location.hostname.match(sandbox_regex)) {
					service.setTargeting('test', 'adops');


		for (tag in tags) {
			define_me_a_slot(tag, false);

			googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotVisibilityChanged', window.SD.Ads.visibilityChangedTracker);

		googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) {

                googletag.pubads().setTargeting('requestSource', 'GPT');

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/* Ad-Refresh code */
window.SD.Ads.visibilityChangedTracker = function(event) {
	var id = event.slot.getSlotElementId();
	if (!window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
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			visible: false,
			prevVisibleTotal: 0,
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			reloadCount: 0
	var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
	if (event.inViewPercentage >= 50 && !document.hidden) {
		if (!timeinfo.visible) {
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	} else {
		if (timeinfo.visible) {
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			timeinfo.visible = false;

window.SD.Ads.setupAdRefresh = function() {
	document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function () {
		for (var id in window.SD.Ads.visibleTime) {
			if (window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
				var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
				if (document.hidden) {
					timeinfo.wasVisibleBeforePageBgd = !!timeinfo.visible;
					if (timeinfo.visible) {
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						timeinfo.visible = false;
				} else if (!document.hidden && timeinfo.wasVisibleBeforePageBgd) {
					timeinfo.visible =;
	}, false);

	// after 30 sec, start checking every second for reload
	var LIMIT_MS = 30000;
	setTimeout(function () {
		setInterval(function () {
			if (document.hidden) {
			for (var id in window.SD.Ads.visibleTime) {
				if (window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
					var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
					if (timeinfo.visible &&
						timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal + ( - timeinfo.visible) >= LIMIT_MS &&
						timeinfo.reloadCount < 50
					) {
						timeinfo.visible = false;
						timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal = 0;
		}, 1000);
	}, LIMIT_MS);

window.SD.Ads.Helpers.refreshBids = function (reloadIds) {
		console.log('AD REFRESH: refreshBids', reloadIds);
		pbjs.que.push(function () {
			for (var i = reloadIds.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
				var id = reloadIds[i];
				// clear out winner status from earlier auctions
				if (bizxPrebid.Ads.prebidWinners[id]) {
					delete bizxPrebid.Ads.prebidWinners[id];
				// if has complement (hubicon), remove it since they are just house ads and can cause funky layouts if this leaderboard is refreshed to a different size
				var path = window.SD.Ads.slotsById[id].getAdUnitPath();
				/*var complement = gptadComplements[path];
				if (complement) {
					var complement_shortname = complement[0];
					var complement_path = "/41014381/SD/" + complement_shortname;
					var slot = window.SD.Ads.slotsById[window.SD.Ads.idsByPath[complement_path]];
					if (slot) {
						var $wrappedAd = $(window.SD.Ads.Helpers.getContainerIDFromPath(complement_path));
						delete gptadComplements[path];


				timeout: window.bizxPrebid.PREBID_TIMEOUT,
				adUnitCodes: reloadIds,
				bidsBackHandler: function () {
					var reloadSlots = { return window.SD.Ads.slotsById[id]; });

					// clear out previous sizing attrs, as they may change after refresh
					for (var i = 0; i < reloadSlots.length; i++) {
						var $wrappedAd = $(window.SD.Ads.Helpers.getContainerIDFromPath(reloadSlots[i].getAdUnitPath()));
						var classes = $wrappedAd.attr('class').split(' ');
						for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) {
							if (classes[j].indexOf('sz_') >= 0) {

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$('#more-experiment a').
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		<span id="title-165277532" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Google To Pay Nearly $43M Over Collection of Android Location Data</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165277532" datetime="on Friday August 12, 2022 @02:41PM">on Friday August 12, 2022 @02:41PM</time>
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				Australia's consumer watchdog agency said Friday that Google has been ordered to pay AU$60 million, nearly $43 million, by the Federal Court <a href="">over the collection of location data on Android phones</a>. From a report:<i> The fine stems from legal action the Australian Competition &amp; Consumer Commission initiated back in 2019. The ACCC accused Google of "making misleading representations to consumers" about the collection and use of personal location data on Android devices between January 2017 and December 2018. The court previously found that Google misled consumers into thinking "Location History" was the only setting that impacted whether the tech giant collected, kept and used location data, when in fact, the "Web &amp; App Activity" setting also allowed Google to collect some of this information, according to the ACCC. An estimated 1.3 million people with Google accounts in Australia may have "viewed a screen found by the Court to have breached the Australian Consumer Law," the ACCC said.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165277920" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">How Thinking Hard Makes the Brain Tired</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165277920" datetime="on Friday August 12, 2022 @02:01PM">on Friday August 12, 2022 @02:01PM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">closer-look</span> dept.

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				An anonymous reader <a href="">shares a report</a>:<i> Physical labour is exhausting. A long run or a hard day's sweat depletes the body's energy stores, resulting in a sense of fatigue. Mental labour can also be exhausting. Even resisting that last glistening chocolate-chip cookie after a long day at a consuming desk job is difficult. Cognitive control, the umbrella term encompassing mental exertion, self-control and willpower, also fades with effort. But unlike the mechanism of physical fatigue, the cause of cognitive fatigue has been poorly understood. Previous accounts were incomplete. One of the most widely known, the biological one, draws from what is known about muscular fatigue. It posits that exerting cognitive control uses up energy in the form of glucose. At the end of a day spent intensely cogitating, the brain is metaphorically running on fumes. The problem with this version of events is that the energy cost associated with thinking is minimal. One analysis of previous studies suggests that cognitively overworked and "depleted" brains use less than one-tenth of a Tic-Tac's worth of additional glucose.<br> <br>

If cognitive fatigue is not caused by a lack of energy, then what explains it? A team of scientists led by Antonius Wiehler of Pitie-Salpetriere University Hospital, in Paris, looked at things from what is termed a neurometabolic point of view. They hypothesise that cognitive fatigue results from an accumulation of a certain chemical in the region of the brain underpinning control. That substance, glutamate, is an excitatory neurotransmitter that abounds in the central nervous systems of mammals and plays a role in a multitude of activities, such as learning, memory and the sleep-wake cycle. In other words, cognitive work results in chemical changes in the brain, which present behaviourally as fatigue. This, therefore, is a signal to stop working in order to restore balance to the brain. In their new paper in Current Biology, the researchers describe an experiment they undertook to explain how all this happens.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165277058" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Google Adds Instant Cloud-Streaming Button To Web Searches For Games</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				An anonymous reader <a href="">shares a report</a>:<i> The earliest sales pitch for Stadia, the Google streaming service that beams high-end video games to web browsers via the cloud, included the idea that it might work as simply as Googling your favorite game. You might search for a popular game to learn more about it, only to immediately see an option to start playing it inside your web browser, no additional hardware required -- and perhaps no payment, either. Nearly three years after Stadia's official launch -- and 18 months after the service's massive internal downgrade -- that scenario has finally begun to play out. What's more, the feature appears to be streamer-agnostic, as multiple Stadia-like streaming services have started appearing in search results.<br> <br>

This week, Google rolled out a limited launch of a "Play Now" tab that appears on searches for select video games on desktop browsers. (As of press time, out of three Google accounts tested, the search results shown in this article only appear on one of them.) This tab can be found in the right-hand "knowledge panel" that is otherwise automatically populated with user reviews, game details, and digital download purchase links. When a Google game search returns a Play Now tab, it will include as many compatible streaming services as possible, including Google Stadia, Microsoft Xbox Cloud Gaming, Amazon Luna, and Nvidia GeForce Now. Each entry shows what kind of fee may be required to play the game. Conveniently enough, many Google Stadia games can now be played for free for the first 30 minutes or as long as 120 minutes, and supported free-trial Stadia games get a bright-green flash of italicized text: "trial available." Other games and services that have appeared thus far have included tags like "premium subscription" or "free-to-play."</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165276712" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">South Korea To Pardon Samsung's Lee, Other Corporate Giants</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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			 from the <span class="dept-text">how-about-that</span> dept.

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				Samsung's de-facto leader <a href="">secured a pardon</a> Friday of his conviction for bribing a former president in a corruption scandal that toppled a previous South Korean government, an act of leniency that underscored the tech company's huge influence in the nation. From a report:<i> Lee Jae-yong's pardon is partially symbolic since he was released on parole a year ago after serving 18 months of a prison term that would have ended in July, and critics say the billionaire has remained in control of Samsung even while behind bars. Still, the pardon will allow the heir to the electronics juggernaut to fully resume his management duties and could make it easier for the company to pursue investments and mergers. The Justice Ministry said President Yoon Suk Yeol, who as a prosecutor investigated the corruption scandal involving Lee, will issue the pardon Monday, a national holiday when some 1,700 people are set to receive clemency, including other top business leaders.<br> <br>

Lee, 54, was convicted in 2017 of bribing former President Park Geun-hye and her close confidante to win government support for a merger between two Samsung affiliates that tightened Lee's control over the corporate empire. Park and the confidante were also convicted in the scandal, which enraged South Koreans, who staged massive protests for months demanding an end to the shady ties between business and politics. The demonstrations eventually led to Park's ouster from office. [...] Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon said the pardons of the business tycoons were aimed at "overcoming the economic crisis through encouraging business activity" at a time when South Koreans are grappling with rising prices, high personal debt and a faltering job market.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165276624" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Inside the Apple vs. Facebook Privacy Fight</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165276624" datetime="on Friday August 12, 2022 @12:01PM">on Friday August 12, 2022 @12:01PM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">taking-moral-high-ground-when-no-money</span> dept.

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				An ongoing dispute over privacy between Apple and Facebook is roiling the digital economy, leading companies to shift billions in ad spending as users continue to limit the data available to advertisers. The feud took off last year, when Apple rolled out iOS 14.5, a version of its mobile operating system that made it easier than ever for iPhone and iPad users to opt out of letting apps like Facebook track their activity on their devices. The two companies weren't always at odds. In fact, <a href="">they were almost business partners</a>. From a report:<i> In the years before the change, Apple suggested a series of possible arrangements that would earn the iPhone maker a slice of Facebook's revenue, according to people who either participated in the meetings or were briefed about them. As one person recalled: Apple officials said they wanted to "build businesses together." One idea that was discussed: creating a subscription-based version of Facebook that would be free of ads, according to people familiar with the discussions. Because Apple collects a cut of subscription revenue for apps in its App Store, that product could have generated significant revenue for the Cupertino, Calif., giant.<br> <br>

The companies also haggled over whether Apple was entitled to a piece of Facebook's sales from so-called boosted posts, said people familiar with the matter. A boost allows a user to pay to increase the number of people that see a post on Facebook or Instagram. Facebook, which considers boosts ads, has always contended that boosts are a form of advertising, in part because they are often used by small businesses to reach a bigger audience, said one of the people. Apple, which doesn't take a cut of advertising from developers, argued that Facebook boosts should be considered in-app purchases, according to a person familiar with the matter. Apple's standard terms would entitle it to take a 30% share of those sales.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165275778" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Suspected Developer of Crypto Mixer Tornado Cash Arrested</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165275778" datetime="on Friday August 12, 2022 @11:22AM">on Friday August 12, 2022 @11:22AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">how-about-that</span> dept.

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				The Dutch government agency responsible for investigating financial crimes said it has arrested an individual <a href="">suspected of being a developer of the U.S.-sanctioned crypto mixing service</a> Tornado Cash in a move that has rattled some crypto and privacy advocates. From a report:<i> The Fiscal Information and Investigation Service said Friday that the arrested 29-year-old man is suspected to be involved in "concealing criminal financial flows and facilitating money laundering" through the popular crypto mixing service. "Multiple arrests are not ruled out," it said. The agency added that it arrested the individual in Amsterdam. The move comes days after the U.S. government <a href="">sanctioned Tornado Cash</a> -- a service that allows users to mask their transactions by jumbling funds from different sources before sending them to the ultimate destination -- for its role in enabling billions of dollars' worth of cryptocurrency to be laundered through its platform.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165275434" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">China's Golden Era of Smartphones Is Ending</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165275434" datetime="on Friday August 12, 2022 @10:42AM">on Friday August 12, 2022 @10:42AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">tough-luck</span> dept.

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				The world's largest smartphone market <a href="">is in deep trouble</a>. China saw a 14.7% decline in phone shipments in the second quarter, according to research firm IDC. And multibillion-dollar pillars of the industry like Xiaomi Corp., Vivo and Oppo all reported steep sales declines. From a report:<i> Many factors drove the fall, including a strict Covid Zero policy that torpedoed demand, but the bigger issue is one that's long been feared by the country's smartphone makers. China's 10-year-plus smartphone boom, fueled by new buyers and ceaseless upgrades, is likely coming to an end. China was eager to become a mobile nation a decade ago. It used state capital to build 4G base stations in almost every village, enabling brands like Oppo and Vivo to sell chic-looking devices to hundreds of millions of people in rural areas, most of whom had never tried a touchscreen. Apple, Samsung Electronics and Motorola pursued tech-savvy city dwellers with more expensive options. (Although the latter two quickly fell out of the game due to product flaws, marketing missteps and geopolitical pressures.)<br> <br>

More recently, smartphone makers saw an opportunity as China pushed toward advanced 5G networks. But few saw the trouble already brewing. A key problem is that China's massive smartphone market has become highly saturated. The country has more than 1.6 billion active mobile phone accounts by the end of last year compared to its 1.4 billion population. The penetration rate is well above the global average and has led to fierce competition. The need to replace phones has also dwindled. The life cycles of smartphones are getting longer, and can be stretched when the economy isn't doing well. The price of 5G service has prompted many people in China to simply keep their adequate 4G subscriptions. </i><br>



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		<span id="title-165275306" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Drought Is Declared in Parts of a Hot, Dry Britain</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165275306" datetime="on Friday August 12, 2022 @10:06AM">on Friday August 12, 2022 @10:06AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">tussle-continues</span> dept.

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				The British government <a href="">declared a drought for parts of southern, eastern and central England</a> on Friday as the country, unaccustomed to such extreme heat, endured another day of scorching conditions. From a report:<i> The declaration came after a group of officials and experts, including the National Drought Group, met to discuss the government's response to "the driest summer in 50 years," the Environment Agency said in a statement. Extreme-heat warnings have also been issued for parts of southern England and Wales, just weeks after Britain withered under some of its highest temperatures on record. "We are currently experiencing a second heat wave after what was the driest July on record for parts of the country," Britain's water minister, Steve Double, said in a statement released after the drought group's meeting.<br> <br>

"Action is already being taken by the government and other partners," to deal with the drought, he added. The drought announcement will allow water companies to impose stricter conservation measures. Several water companies have temporarily banned the use of hoses to water yards and gardens and to wash vehicles. The Met Office, Britain's national weather service, issued an extreme-heat warning through Sunday for much of the southern half of England and for parts of Wales, underscoring that the soaring temperatures could not only disrupt travel but also raise the risk of heat-related illnesses for certain groups.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-165260410" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">New Research Reveals the Circadian Clock Influences Cell Growth, Metabolism, and Tumor Progression</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-165260410" datetime="on Friday August 12, 2022 @09:00AM">on Friday August 12, 2022 @09:00AM</time>
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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org: <i>In a new University of California, Irvine-led study, researchers define how the circadian clock <a href="">influences cell growth, metabolism and tumor progression</a>. Their research also reveals how disruption of the circadian clock impacts genome stability and mutations that can further drive critical tumor-promoting pathways in the intestine. In this study, researchers found that both genetic disruption and environmental disruption of the circadian clock contribute to the mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor, which is found in the vast majority of human colorectal cancers (CRC). APC point mutations, deletions, and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) events have been reported in approximately 80 percent of human CRC cases, and it is these mutations that drive the initiation of intestinal adenoma development.
<br> <br>
"As a society, we are exposed to several environmental factors that influence our biological clock, including night shift work, extended light exposure, changes in sleep/wake cycles and altered feeding behavior," said Selma Masri, Ph.D., assistant professor of biological chemistry at UCI School of Medicine. "Strikingly, we have seen an alarming increase in several young-onset cancers, including colorectal cancer. The underlying cause of this increased incidence of cancer in adults in their 20s and 30s remains undefined. However, based on our findings, we now believe that disruption of the circadian clock plays an important role."</i> The study has been <a href="">published in the journal Science Advances</a>.<br>



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		<span id="title-165260188" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Notorious Movies and TV Shows That Have Never Been Released</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				From "Batgirl" to "Star Wars Detours" to "Seriously, Dude, I'm Gay," the Hollywood Reporter highlights <a href="">twelve infamous films and series that made headlines for being canceled</a> -- and are not available anywhere. From the report: <i> The vast majority of axed Hollywood projects are run-of-the-mill concepts that simply didn't work out or eventually find their way online. That's not the case with these titles. The below roundup of films and TV series features projects you cannot see anywhere that have achieved a level of notoriety -- either due to their scandalous content or because fans desperately want to see them (or both). </i> The list includes: <i> 1. Batgirl <br>2. Ultimate Slip 'N Slide <br>3. Tremors (2018 TV Pilot) <br>4. Star Wars: Detours <br>5. Seriously, Dude, I'm Gay <br>6. My Best Friend's Birthday <br>7. 100 Years <br>8. Uncle Tom's Fairytales <br>9. Bloodmoon (Game of Thrones Prequel) <br>10. The Original Game of Thrones Pilot <br>11. Our Little Genius <br>12. The Day the Clown Cried </i> Some of the canceled shows were yanked for "creative reasons" or the potential to ruin a company's brand; others were given no reasoning whatsoever, leaving it up to speculation.
<br> <br>
Under each show included on the list is an explanation of events that help to explain why it's one of the "most legendary of the unseen." You can view the full article <a href="">here</a>.<br>



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		<span id="title-165260044" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">DOE Digs Up Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor Tech, Los Alamos To Lead the Way Back</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				After more than 50 years, molten salt nuclear reactors <a href="">might be making a comeback</a>. The US Department of Energy (DoE) has tapped Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to lead a $9.25 million study into the structural properties and materials necessary to build them at scale. The Register reports: <i> "The US needs projects like this one to advance nuclear technologies and help us achieve the Biden-Harris administration's goals of clean energy by 2035 and a net-zero economy by 2050," said Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, director of the office of science, in <a href="">a statement</a>. The study, conducted as part of the Scientific Discovery though Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program, seeks to gain a better understanding of the relationship between corrosion and irradiation effects at the atomic scale in metals exposed to molten salt reactors through simulation.
<br> <br>
This isn't the first time the DoE has explored this reactor tech. In the middle of last century, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) took the lessons learned from the Aircraft Reactor experiment to build a functional nuclear aircraft power source and began construction of a molten salt test reactor. The experiments, conducted between 1957 and 1969, utilized a mixture of lithium, beryllium, zirconium, and uranium fluoride salts. Cooling was also achieved using a fluoride salt mixture, but it lacked the uranium and zirconium found in the fuel. The experiments proved promising, as molten salt reactors were generally smaller and considered safer compared to the pressurized water reactors still used today. But both proved too heavy for powered flight or materials design. Because cooling was achieved by circulating molten salt through a heat exchanger as opposed to water, the risk of a steam explosion is effectively nonexistent. However, as the Oak Ridge National Laboratory found during the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment, fluoride salts are incredibly corrosive and required hardened materials to safely contain them. </i> "ORNL's Molten Salt Reactor Experiment utilized specialized materials fabricated from Hastelloy-N -- a nickel-molybdenum alloy developed by the lab with a high resistance to corrosion even at high temperatures," adds the reports. "The research program announced this week will revisit the material choices and examine a variety of metals using higher-performance compute resources to simulate how they'll perform at scale in these reactors."<br>



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		<span id="title-165259712" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">A New Study Overturns 100-Year-Old Understanding of Color Perception</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org: <i>A new study <a href="">corrects an important error in the 3D mathematical space</a> developed by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Erwin Schrodinger and others, and used by scientists and industry for more than 100 years to describe how your eye distinguishes one color from another. The research has the potential to boost scientific data visualizations, improve TVs and recalibrate the textile and paint industries. [...] "Our original idea was to develop algorithms to automatically improve color maps for data visualization, to make them easier to understand and interpret," [said Roxana Bujack, a computer scientist with a background in mathematics who creates scientific visualizations at Los Alamos National Laboratory and lead author of the paper]. So the team was surprised when they discovered they were the first to determine that the longstanding application of Riemannian geometry, which allows generalizing straight lines to curved surfaces, didn't work.
<br> <br>
To create industry standards, a precise mathematical model of perceived color space is needed. First attempts used Euclidean spaces -- the familiar geometry taught in many high schools; more advanced models used Riemannian geometry. The models plot red, green and blue in the 3D space. Those are the colors registered most strongly by light-detecting cones on our retinas, and -- not surprisingly -- the colors that blend to create all the images on your RGB computer screen. In the study, which blends psychology, biology and mathematics, Bujack and her colleagues discovered that using Riemannian geometry overestimates the perception of large color differences. That's because people perceive a big difference in color to be less than the sum you would get if you added up small differences in color that lie between two widely separated shades. Riemannian geometry cannot account for this effect.</i> "We didn't expect this, and we don't know the exact geometry of this new color space yet," Bujack said. "We might be able to think of it normally but with an added dampening or weighing function that pulls long distances in, making them shorter. But we can't prove it yet."
<br> <br>
The findings <a href="">appear in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science</a>.<br>



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		<span id="title-165259634" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Raspberry Pi-Powered Anti-Tracking Tool Checks If You're Being Followed</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				Matt Edmondson, a hacker and digital forensics expert, built a Raspberry Pi-powered anti-tracking tool that "scans for nearby devices and <a href="">alerts you if the same phone is detected multiple times within the past 20 minutes</a>," reports Wired. The device, which can be carried around or placed in a car, consists of parts that cost around $200 in total. From the report: <i> The homemade system works by scanning for wireless devices around it and then checking its logs to see whether they also were present within the past 20 minutes. It was designed to be used while people are on the move rather than sitting in, say, a coffee shop, where it would pick up too many false readings. The anti-tracking tool, which can sit inside a shoebox-sized case, is made up of a few components. A Raspberry Pi 3 runs its software, a Wi-Fi card looks for nearby devices, a small waterproof case protects it, and a portable charger powers the system. A touchscreen shows the alerts the device produces. Each alert may be a sign that you are being tailed. The device runs Kismet, which is a wireless network detector, and is able to detect smartphones and tablets around it that are looking for Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections. The phones we use are constantly looking for wireless networks around them, including networks they've connected to before as well as new networks.
<br> <br>
Edmondson says Kismet makes a record of the first time it sees a device and then the most recent time it was detected. But to make the anti-tracking system work, he had to write code in Python to create lists of what Kismet detects over time. There are lists for devices spotted in the past five to 10 minutes, 10 to 15 minutes, and 15 to 20 minutes. If a device appears twice, an alert flashes up on the screen. The system can show a phone's MAC address, although this is not much use if it's been randomized. It can also record the names of Wi-Fi networks that devices around it are looking for -- a phone that's trying to connect to a Wi-Fi network called Langley may give some clues about its owner. "If you have a device on you, I should see it," he says. In an example, he showed WIRED that a device was looking for a network called SAMSUNGSMART.
<br> <br>
To stop the system from detecting your own phone or those of other people traveling with you, it has an "ignore" list. By tapping one of the device's onscreen buttons, it's possible to "ignore everything that it has already seen." Edmondson says that in the future, the device could be modified to send a text alert instead of showing them on the screen. He is also interested in adding the capability to detect tire-pressure monitoring systems that could show recurring nearby vehicles. A GPS unit could also be added so you can see where you were when you were being tracked, he says. [...] Edmondson has no plans to make the device into a commercial product, but he says the design could easily be copied and reused by anyone with some technical knowledge. Many of the parts involved are easy to obtain or may be lying around the homes of people in tech communities. </i>  For those interested, Edmondson <a href="">open-sourced its underlying code</a> and plans to present the <a href="">research project</a> at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas this week.<br>



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		<span id="title-165259466" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Meta Injecting Code Into Websites Visited By Its Users To Track Them, Research Says</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, has been rewriting websites its users visit, <a href="">letting the company follow them across the web after they click links in its apps</a>, according to new research from an ex-Google engineer. The Guardian reports: <i> The two apps have been taking advantage of the fact that users who click on links are taken to webpages in an "in-app browser," controlled by Facebook or Instagram, rather than sent to the user's web browser of choice, such as Safari or Firefox. "The Instagram app injects their tracking code into every website shown, including when clicking on ads, enabling them [to] monitor all user interactions, like every button and link tapped, text selections, screenshots, as well as any form inputs, like passwords, addresses and credit card numbers," <a href="">says Felix Krause</a>, a privacy researcher who founded an app development tool acquired by Google in 2017.
<br> <br>
Krause discovered the code injection by building a tool that could list all the extra commands added to a website by the browser. For normal browsers, and most apps, the tool detects no changes, but for Facebook and Instagram it finds up to 18 lines of code added by the app. Those lines of code appear to scan for a particular cross-platform tracking kit and, if not installed, instead call the Meta Pixel, a tracking tool that allows the company to follow a user around the web and build an accurate profile of their interests. The company does not disclose to the user that it is rewriting webpages in this way. No such code is added to the in-app browser of WhatsApp, according to Krause's research. [...] It is unclear when Facebook began injecting code to track users after clicking links. </i> "We intentionally developed this code to honor people's [Ask to track] choices on our platforms," a Meta spokesperson told The Guardian in a statement. "The code allows us to aggregate user data before using it for targeted advertising or measurement purposes. We do not add any pixels. Code is injected so that we can aggregate conversion events from pixels."
<br> <br>
They added: "For purchases made through the in-app browser, we seek user consent to save payment information for the purposes of autofill."<br>



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		<span id="title-165259104" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Researchers Find Vulnerability In Software Underlying Discord, Microsoft Teams, and Other Apps</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: <i>A group of security researchers <a href="">found a series of vulnerabilities in the software underlying popular apps</a> like Discord, Microsoft Teams, Spotify and many others, which are used by tens of millions of people all over the world. At the Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas on Thursday, the researchers presented their findings, detailing how they could have hacked people who use Discord, Microsoft Teams, and the chat app Element by exploiting the software underlying all of them: Electron, which is a framework built on the open source Chromium and the cross-platform javascript environment Node JS. In all these cases, the researchers submitted vulnerabilities to Electron to get them fixed, which earned them more than $10,000 in rewards. The bugs were fixed before the researchers published their research.
<br> <br>
Aaditya Purani, one of the researchers who found these vulnerabilities, said that "regular users should know that the Electron apps are not the same as their day-to-day browsers," meaning they are potentially more vulnerable. In the case of Discord, the bug Purani and his colleagues found only required them to send a malicious link to a video. With Microsoft Teams, the bug they found could be exploited by inviting a victim to a meeting. In both cases, if the targets clicked on these links, hackers would have been able to take control of their computers, Purani explained in the talk. For him, one of the main takeaways of their research is that Electron is risky precisely because users are very likely to click on links shared in Discord or Microsoft Teams.</i><br>



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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Measurement UID
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-android-unattended (3.7.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.15.2)

Raw Measurement Data
